Items where Subject is "International Commerce, Marketing, & Economics"

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Number of items at this level: 38.


I Ketut Ardhana (2008) The trade contacts in the border areas between Malaysia and Singapore. LIPI Press, Jakarta. ISBN 978-979-799-380-1

Jaleswari Pramodawardhani and Widjajanti M. Santoso and Endang Retnowati and Harjanti Yudomustopo (2006) Kesetaraan Keadilan gender budaya patriarkhi : Kasus tenaga kerja perempuan di luar negeri. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Jakarta. ISBN 979-26-2475-9

Rita Pawestri Setyaningsih (2008) The impact of market economy on poverty in China : Access on food and health services. LIPI Press, Jakarta. ISBN 978-979-799-383-2

Rucianawati and Amorisa Wiratri and Betti Rosita Sari (2009) Ethnicity and transnational commerce in the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam 1975 - 2007. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahun Indonesia, Jakarta. ISBN 978-979-799-558-4

Rucianawati and Suribidari and Betty Rositasari and Lamijo (2005) Indigenous people, ethnicity, and trans-national commerce in mekong river basin-thailand. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Jakarta. ISBN 979-3688-42-4

Yekti Maunati and I Ketut Ardhana and Lamijo and Rucianawati (2004) Trade contacts in the cross-border areas between thailand and burma 1900-2002. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Jakarta. ISBN 979-9688-08-4

Yekti Maunati and I Ketut Ardhana and Mayasuri Presilia (2005) International tourism, identitiy, and globalization in the Philippines. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Jakarta. ISBN 979-3688-07-6


Achmad, Tarmizi and Agung, Solihin (2023) Pengaruh personal selling terhadap keputusan konsumen memilih asuransi kendaraan. Jurnal Portofolio: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2 (2): 4. pp. 141-149. ISSN 2829-6109

Agustin, Hermawati (2023) Pengaruh penanganan keluhan, komunikasi pemasaran dan kepercayaan terhadap loyalitas (literature review manajemen pemasaran). Jurnal Manajemen dan Pemasaran Digital, 1 (1): 2. pp. 14-28. ISSN 2963-0142

Aletta, Dewi Maria and Krisnawati, Setyaningrum Nugraheni (2022) Pelatihan pelayanan prima sebagai upaya meningkatkan wisata unggulan di Kota Salatiga. Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia (JPKMI), 2 (1): 2. pp. 6-9. ISSN 2809-9311


Christina, Rengkung and Devina, Polii and Gratia, N. Sembel and Myline, Rau (2023) The returns of IHSG, NIKKEI and NASDAQ during Covid-19 pandemic. The Contrarian: Finance, Accounting, and Business Research, 1 (1): 1. ISSN 2963-9743


Deni, Suwandhani and Thesa, Alif Ravelby and Suhery, Suhery and Muthia, Roza Linda and Riza, Yonita (2022) PKMS Smart strategi dengan leads creation e-digital pada UKM di era new normal. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.


Fachry, Banan and Yoko, Tristiarto (2023) Analisis anomali pasar January effect pada saham perusahaan sektor energi di Bursa Efek Indonesia. JYE: Journal of Young Entrepreneurs, 2 (1): 7. pp. 92-104. ISSN 2964-8521

Fanny, Ramadhani and Siti, Raisha Rushainy and Muhammad, Ilham Mufit and Farizi, Erlangga and M. Fahri, Fahroza Nst (2022) Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi sebagai media usaha thrifting shop berbasis website. Blend sains jurnal teknik, 1 (1): 7. pp. 44-47. ISSN 2964-7347

Fatah, Mario Andaru (2023) Introducing "business by experience" as a new strategy to increase innovation Indonesian tourism. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.

Fiorentina, Thalia Sahara and Diana, Triwardhani (2023) Analisis faktor yang mempengaruhi minat berlangganan layanan streaming video-on-demand Netflix. JYE: Journal of Young Entrepreneurs, 2 (1): 6. pp. 71-91. ISSN 2964-8521


I Komang, Bintang Tri Wiguna and Putu, Ricky Danendra and Ni Desak, Made Diwyarthi and Ni Nyoman, Sukerti (2023) Entrepreneurial perspective towards sport center business (case study in Gen Z in millennial era). In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.

Ikhlas, Ramadhan and Muhammad, Rizky Lubis and Eron, Alfon Hattori and Nuryeni, Simamora and Ika, Wulandani and Ayu, Ansari Sitepu (2023) Influence of Instagram on brand awareness of Mikie Holiday Funland. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.


Komang, Putri Dewi and Gusti, Agung Gede Witarsana and Clearesta, Adinda (2023) Influence of price perception on room booking purchase intention at luxury resorts in Ubud. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.


Maulana, Aziz Mahardika and Maria, Assumpta Wikantari (2023) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian Honda Vario di Jakarta. JYE: Journal of Young Entrepreneurs, 2 (1): 12. pp. 158-166. ISSN 2964-8521

Muhammad, Rizki Lubis and Ikhlas, Ramadhan and Junita, Zendrato and Anggita, Damanik and Desy, Rotua Simbolon and Ridha, Siregar (2023) The effect of digital tourism on the Instagram platform on interest in visiting Batu Katak ecotourism (Case study @visitbatukatak. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.

Mutiara, Permata Sari and Sagita, Widya and Ani, Nuraeni and Sihabudin, Sihabudin (2023) Sistem informasi pariwisata berbasis web di Kabupaten Sukabumi menggunakan Zachman Framework. Jurnal Komputer dan Sistem Informasi (KOMISI), 1 (1): 3. pp. 17-26. ISSN 3062-6668


Ni, Wayan Sumariadhi (2024) The role of social media in promoting tourism in Bangli regency. Samā Jiva Jnānam (International Journal of Social Studies), 1 (2): 3. pp. 28-37. ISSN 3062-9829

Ni Desak, Made Santi Diwyarthi and I Wayan, Adi Pratama and Made, Yudhawijaya (2023) Digital marketing at hotels in Nusa Dua (Case study of five-star hotels in Nusa Dua). In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.

Ni Kadek, Ari Santi and Ni Made, Septi Dwiari and I Gusti, Ngurah Agung Rama Wijaya and Dewa, Ayu Nyoman Aridayanti (2023) The influence of Tiktok social media on domestic tourists' visiting interest to Labuan Bajo. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.

Ni Made, Riska Nathania and I Nyoman, Sukana Sabudi and Putu, Diah Sastri Pitanatri (2023) The influence of promotion through Instagram on purchase intention at The Trans Resort Bali. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.

Ni Putu, Novi Artini and Nyoman, Gede Mas Wiartha and I Dewa, Putu Hendri Pramana (2023) Influence of online reviews on room booking intention at Pullman Bali Legian Beach. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.

Ni Putu, Widia Listyorini and Aprisha, Firda Lestarien and Bagas, Pramasta Putra and Ida Bagus, Putra Negarayana (2023) International tourist preference travelled to Labuan Bajo. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.

Nurani, Nurani and Marlena, Marlena and M.Dicky, A.S (2022) Analisis kualitas layanan dan inovasi produk menggunakan structural Equation Model (Studi kasus pada PT. Mandiri Utama Finance Tulungagung). Jurnal Nusantara : Aplikasi Manajemen Bisnis, 7 (1): 4. pp. 42-53. ISSN 2549-5291

Nyoman, Gede Mas Wiartha and Ni Desak, Made Santi Diwyarthi and I Dewa, Putu Hendri Pramana (2023) The development of tourism industries after Covid-19 pandemic in Nusa Dua, Bali. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.


Purnama, Sari and Johan, Mohammad Palah and Putri, Ambarwati (2023) Keputusan pembelian pengguna e-commerce Tiktok Shop: daya tarik konten, gratis ongkos kirim dan harga flash sale sebagai pemicu. Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Bisnis (EKOMABIS), 4 (1): 8. pp. 85-100. ISSN 2716-0238


Rachmawaty, Rachmawaty (2022) Pelatihan penerapan konsep sustainable fashion pada mukena dan kaos dengan teknik ecoprint. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.

Rully, Kusuma Dewi and Ida, Ayu Kalpikawati and Ni Wayan, Chintia Pinaria (2023) Content marketing strategy on Instagram to increase brand awareness at Hotel X during the Covid-19 pandemic. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.


Shofiyatus, Zaqiyah and Laily, Muzdalifah (2023) Pengaruh celebrity endorse dan label halal terhadap keputusan pembelian melalui brand image pada produk Ms.Glow (Studi kasus pada Toko Firfi_ms.glow Sidoarjo). JYE: Journal of Young Entrepreneurs, 2 (1): 13. pp. 167-176. ISSN 2964-8521

Swapna, Patawari and Mahesh, Kumar Bairwa and Rajni, Kumari (2023) Analyzing possibilities of promoting food culture of Rajasthan through food museum: A view point. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.


Umi, Hanifah and Fery, Wisnu Saputro and Erna, Chotidjah Suhatmi (2022) Pemberdayaan estetika pada UMKM Kayla Souvenir. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.


Veby, Vadila Kasim and Nadia, Candra Pramesti and Gusti Ayu, Intan Sri Suandari and Dewa Ayu, Made Lily Dianasari (2023) The influence of tourist experience on revisit intention to Labuan Bajo tourism destinations. In: Proceeding Book The International Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference.


Xolani, Thusi and Victor, H Mlambo (2023) The effects of Africa's infrastructure crisis and its root causes. International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability and Social Science, 4 (4): 11. pp. 1055-1067. ISSN 2720-9644

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