Strength Analysis Of Main Landing Gear Structure OF LSU 02-02

Afid Nugroho and Rizky Fitriansyah and Mujtahid and Dony Hidayat and Encung Sumarna (2013) Strength Analysis Of Main Landing Gear Structure OF LSU 02-02. Proceedings SIPTEKGAN XVII-2013. pp. 66-76. ISSN 978-979-1458-74-0

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Main Landing Gear Structure (MLG) has essential role in landing phase of LAPAN Surveilance UAV (LSU 02-02). This structure became the main support of dynamic load subjected to LSU 02-02, so the performance of this structure affect the flight mission. Through analytical, experimental and numerical methods the preliminary studies have been conducted to determine the performance of MLG absorbs impact energy. MLG LSU 02-02 composite made of e-glass fiber with lycal resin. Based on the FEM simulation maximum stress on the critical area of MLG is 128.1 MPa, whereas based on static test maximum stress is 119.4 MPa. The difference is about 8.7 MPa or 6.7 %. The differenceoccursbecausethemanufacturingprocessduringthedesignstillneedstobe improved.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Main Landing Gear Frame (MLGF), Composite, fiber eglass
Subjects: Taksonomi LAPAN > Teknologi Penerbangan dan Antariksa > Perancangan dan Prototipe > Teknologi Aeronautika
Divisions: LAPAN > Deputi Teknologi Penerbangan Dan Antariksa > Pusat Teknologi Penerbangan
Depositing User: Administrator Repository
Date Deposited: 23 Mar 2021 01:03
Last Modified: 14 Jul 2022 19:58

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