Geologi Daerah Muntok dan Potensi Granit Menumbing Sebagai Sumber Uranium (U) dan Thorium (Th)

Saksama, Kurniawan Dwi and Ngadenin, Ngadenin (2013) Geologi Daerah Muntok dan Potensi Granit Menumbing Sebagai Sumber Uranium (U) dan Thorium (Th). EKSPLORIUM, 34 (2). pp. 137-149. ISSN e-ISSN 2503-426x p-ISSN 0854-1418

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In the West Bangka there are some granites namely Menumbing, Pelangas, Tempilang, and Jebus granite. The granites is granite tin belt that stretches from Thailand-Malaysia-Bangka Belitung. Granite tin belt or granite source of tin (cassiterite) can act as a source of U and Th. Aims of the study is to find out the informationon the geology of Muntok area and its surrounding and to determine the potency of Menumbing granite as a source of U and Th. The methods used is surface geological mapping in Muntok areas and its surrounding with scale 1 : 25.000, measurement grade of uranium and thorium in Menumbing granite areas and petrographic and grain size analysis of sample of Menumbing granite. Determination of granites a source of U and Th is based on content of radioactive mineral, anomaly of U and Th, megascopic and microscopic observation of granite. Morphology of Muntok areas and its surrounding is denudasional undulating plains to hills with an elevation ranging from 0 to 455 meters. Sratigraphy of research areas from old to young is metasandstone units, granite intrusion of Menumbing and alluvial. Evolving fault is a fault trending West-East. Based on the presence of radioactive minerals, grade of U and Th as well as the type of granite, it was concluded that the Menumbing granite is a source of Th and not sources of U.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Geology, Uranium, Thorium, granite, Menumbing
Subjects: Taksonomi BATAN > Daur Bahan Bakar Nuklir dan Bahan Maju > Bahan Galian Nuklir > Teknik Eksplorasi Bahan Galian Nuklir
Taksonomi BATAN > Daur Bahan Bakar Nuklir dan Bahan Maju > Bahan Galian Nuklir > Teknik Eksplorasi Bahan Galian Nuklir
Divisions: BATAN > Pusat Teknologi Bahan Galian Nuklir
IPTEK > BATAN > Pusat Teknologi Bahan Galian Nuklir
Depositing User: Administrator Repository
Date Deposited: 04 May 2018 09:18
Last Modified: 31 May 2022 09:15

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