Hybrid solar lighting sebagai alternatif teknologi penerangan alami bangunan untuk efisiensi energi dan pemenfaatan energi terbarukan

Anggoro, Suryo (2009) Hybrid solar lighting sebagai alternatif teknologi penerangan alami bangunan untuk efisiensi energi dan pemenfaatan energi terbarukan. JURNAL TEKNOLOGI LINGKUNGAN, 10 (2). pp. 121-228. ISSN 1441-318X

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Artifi cial (electric) and direct lighting technologies available today have the potential to greatly reduce the growth rate of electricity consumed through lighting
worldwide. While electric lighting has been ineffi cient throughout much of its history, direct (natural) lighting is nearly free and often plentifully supplied by the sun. However, electric lighting systems are necessary when solar lighting is not adequate and these technologies are being greatly improved. One relatively new method of lighting a building’s interior combines both artificial and direct lighting to maximize efficiency is accomplished through the use of a paraboloidal, mirrored dish which actively tracks the sun to concentrate sunlight into an array of fiber optics.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Energy
Depositing User: - Hadiyati -
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2022 05:26
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2022 04:11
URI: https://karya.brin.go.id/id/eprint/12224

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