A Two-Steps Radiometric Correction of SPOT-4 Multispectral and Multitemporal for Seamless Mosaic in Central Kalimantan

Kustiyo and Ratih Dewanti Dimyati and Inggit Lolita Sari (2014) A Two-Steps Radiometric Correction of SPOT-4 Multispectral and Multitemporal for Seamless Mosaic in Central Kalimantan. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, 11 (2). pp. 97-104. ISSN 0216-6739

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This research analyzed the radiometric correction method using SPOT-4 imageries to produce the same reflectance for the same land cover. Top of Atmosphere (TOA) method was applied in previous radiometric correction approach, this TOA approach was upgraded with the reflectance effect from difference satellite viewing angle. The 250 scene of Central Kalimantan SPOT-4 imageries from 2006 until 2012 with varies viewing angle was used. This research applied two-step approaches, the first step is TOA correction, and the second step is normalization using a linear function of reflectance and satellite viewing angle. Gain and offset coefficient of this linear function was calculated using an iterative approach to producing the same reflectance in the forest area. The target of iterative processed is to minimize the standard deviation of a digital number from a forest area in the selected region. The result shows that the standard deviation of a digital number from a forest area in the two steps approach are 8.6, 16.5, and 16.8 for band 1, band 3 and band 4. These values are smaller compared with the standard deviation of digital number result from TOA approach are 15.0, 28,3 and 34.7 for band 1, band 3 and band 4. Decreasing the standard deviation shows the homogeneity of forest reflectance that could be seen in the seamless result. This algorithm can be applied for making seamless SPOT-4 mosaic whole of Indonesia

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Radiometric correction, Reflectance, Viewing angle
Subjects: Taksonomi LAPAN > Teknologi Penginderaan Jauh > Penelitian, Pengkajian, dan Pengembangan > Teknologi dan Data Penginderaan Jauh > Perolehan Data > Koreksi Radiometrik
Divisions: LAPAN > Deputi Penginderaan Jauh > Pusat Teknologi dan Data Penginderaan Jauh
Depositing User: Administrator Repository
Date Deposited: 05 Sep 2021 23:18
Last Modified: 20 Jul 2022 03:21
URI: https://karya.brin.go.id/id/eprint/10838

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