Items where Division is "Pusat Teknologi dan Data Penginderaan Jauh" and Year is 2017

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Number of items: 14.


Andy Indradjad and Noriandini Dewi Salyasari (2017) Pengolahan Data Atmosfer Level SDR dari Sensor ATMS dan CRIS pada Satelit S-NPP. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Atmosfer (SNSA) 2016. pp. 20-26.

Anis Kamilah Hayati and Haris Suka Dyatmika (2017) The Effect of Jpeg2000 Compression on Remote Sensing Data of Different Spatial Resolutions. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, 14 (2). pp. 111-118. ISSN 0216-6739

Anis Kamilah Hayati and Haris Suka Dyatmika and Kustiyo (2017) Koreksi Atmosferik untuk Daerah Perairan Menggunakan Band Cirrus pada Data Landsat-8. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Atmosfer (SNSA) 2017. pp. 38-43.

Fadila Muchsin and Liana Fibriawati (2017) Koreksi Atmosfer Citra Landsat-8 Menggunakan Metode 6S. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Atmosfer (SNSA) 2017. pp. 100-104.

Fadila Muchsin and Liana Fibriawati and Kuncoro Adhi Pradhono (2017) Model Koreksi Atmosfer Citra Landsat-7. Jurnal Penginderaan Jauh dan Pengolahan Data Citra Digital, 14 (2). pp. 101-109. ISSN 1412-8098

Ferry Fernando and Ali Syahputra Nasution and Riyan Mahendra Saputra (2017) Perancangan Jaringan DC PUSTEKDATA - DRC Stasiun Bumi Parepare LAPAN. Prosiding SIPTEKGAN XXI-2017 Seminar Nasional Iptek Penerbangan & Antariksa XXI Tahun 2017. pp. 365-372. ISSN 978-602-71833-3-9

Haris Suka Dyatmika and Katmoko Ari Sambodo and Marendra Eko Budiono and Hendayani (2017) Noise Removal Using Thresholding and Segmentation for Random Noise Sentinel-1 Data. In: The 3rd International Symposium on LAPAN-IPB Satellite (LISAT): For Food Security and Environmental Monitoring 2016, 25-26th October 2016, IPB International Convention Center, Bogor, Indonesia.

Heratania Aprilia Setyowati and Sigit Heru Murti B.S and Sukentyas Estuti Siwi (2017) Efektivitas Transformasi Indeks Vegetasi Penekan Pengaruh Atmosfer Berbasis Citra Spot-6 untuk Estimasi Produksi Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) di sebagian Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu, Riau. Majalah Ilmiah Globe, 19 (1). pp. 11-20. ISSN 1411-0512

Hidayat Gunawan and Wismu Sinarmodo and Ali Syahputra Nasution and Andy Indradjad and Ayom Widipaminto (2017) Pengembangan Stasiun Bumi Penginderaan Jauh Rumpin Untuk Penerimaan Data Satelit Penginderaan Jauh Berbasis Virtual Ground Station. Prosiding SIPTEKGAN XXI-2017 Seminar Nasional Iptek Penerbangan & Antariksa XXI Tahun 2017. pp. 407-417. ISSN 978-602-71833-3-9

Kustiyo and Anis Kamilah Hayati (2017) Pengembangan Nilai Kualitas Radiometrik untuk Citra Landsat-8 (Fase I: Identifikasi Kabut). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh 2016. pp. 124-132.

Muchammad Soleh and Wismu Sunarmodo and Ahmad Maryanto (2017) Simulation of Direct Georeferencing for Geometric Systematic Correction on LSA Pushbroom Imager. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, 14 (1). pp. 71-82. ISSN 0216-6739

Olivia Maftukhaturrizqoh dan Budhi Gustiandi (2017) Dramatis 1.0 : Sistem Download Data Satelit Aura Secara Otomatis. 000167264.

Rahmat Arief (2017) A Partial Acquisition Technique of SAR System Using Compressive Sampling Method. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, 14 (1). pp. 9-18. ISSN 0216-6739

Tri Mulyadi and Hariyadi and Sudrajat and Kustiyo (2017) Nitrogen Content and Carbon Stock Prediction in Oil Palm using Satellite Image Analysis. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5 (4). pp. 677-683. ISSN 2321 – 0893

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