Items where Division is "Pusat Sains dan Teknologi Bahan Maju" and Year is 2010

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 47.

Asri Ani, Sistin and Darminto, Darminto and Putra, Edy Giri Rachman (2010) PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION MODELS OF SMALL ANGLE NEUTRON SCATTERING PATTERN ON FERROFLUIDS. In: AIP Conference 2010.

Bharoto, Bharoto and Putra, Edy Giri Rachman (2010) A New Control System Software for SANS BATAN Spectrometer in Serpong, Indonesia. In: AIP Conference 2010.

Deswita, Deswita and Gunawan, Indra and Sudirman, Sudirman (2010) DEVELOPMENT OF POLYETHYLENE-CaCO3 POLYMER COMPOSITE WITH ADDITION OF SILANE AS COUPLING AGENT. In: ICMST 2010, 19-23 Oktober 2010, Serpong.

Deswita, Deswita and Karo, Aloma Karo and Sulungbudi, Grace Tj and Sudirman, Sudirman (2010) Synthesis and Characterization of Polypropylene Composite Polymer with Tapioca Filler for Packaging Materials. Indonesian Journal of Materials Science, 12 (1). pp. 24-29. ISSN 1411-1098

Deswita, Deswita and Karo Karo, Aloma and Sudirman, Sudirman and Sulungbudi, Grace Tj (2010) SINTESIS DAN KARAKTERISASI POLIMER KOMPOSIT POLIPROPILEN DENGAN FILLER TEPUNG TAPIOKA UNTUK BAHAN KEMASAN. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, 12 (1). pp. 24-29.

Erizal, Erizal and Abidin, Zainal and Deswita, Deswita and Sudirman, Sudirman (2010) SUPERBASORBEN POLI(AKRILAMIDA-KO-ASAM AKRILAT)-KITOSAN HASIL IRADIASI GAMMA UNTUK ADSORPSI ION LOGAM Cu2+ DAN Fe3+. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, 12 (3). pp. 168-174. ISSN 1411-1098

Fajar, A. and Mugirahardjo, H. (2010) The Performance of Fine Resolution Neutron Powder Diffractometer at PTBIN-BATAN. Atom Indonesia, 36 (1). p. 1. ISSN 0126-1568

Fajar, Andika and Gunawan, Gunawan and Maulana, Alan and Refai Muslih, Muhamad and Hardi Priyanto, Tri and Giri Rachman Putra, Edy and Sumirat, Iwan and Sutiarso, Sutiarso (2010) Neutron Scattering in Indonesia: The Facility and Activity. hamon, 20 (4). pp. 292-301. ISSN 1349-046X

Fajar, Andika and Orihara, Hiroshi (2010) Second-harmonic dielectric response of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal under dc electric fields. Physical Review E, 81 (3). ISSN 1539-3755

Fisli, Adel and Yusuf, Saeful (2010) Synthesis of Magnetic Nanocomposite with Natural Base Material for Thorium Adsorbent. Indonesian Journal of Materials Science, 11 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1411-1098

Hardi P, Tri and Wibisono, Mirza (2010) DETERMINATION OF Zn COMPOSITION OF α-BRASS USING DIFFRACTION METHOD: A COMPARISON WITH VEGARD’S LAW. Proceedings of The International Conference on Materials Science and Technology.

Honggowiranto, Wagiyo and Kartini, Evvy and Panjaitan, Elman and Nugraha, T and Ihsan, M. (2010) Ag+ ION IMPLANTATION ON GLASSY ELECTROLYTE AgPO3. In: ICMST 2010, 19-23 Oktober 2010, Serpong.

Ismoyo, Agus Hadi and Bandriyana, Bandriyana and Parikin, Parikin and Kuntoro, Iman (2010) Uji Oksidasi Suhu Tinggi Paduan ZRNBMOGE UNTUK KELONGSONG BAHAN BAKAR NUKLIR. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, 11 (3). pp. 195-201. ISSN 1411-1098

Ismoyo, Agus Hadi and Parikin, Parikin and Kuntoro, Iman and Bandriyana, B (2010) High Temperature Oxidation Tests on Zrnbmoge Alloy for Cladding of Nuclear Fuel Materials. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, 11 (3). pp. 195-201. ISSN 1411-1098


Jodi, Heri and Kartini, Evvy and Nugraha, T (2010) PERFORMANCE CHARACTERIZATION OF NICD BATTERY BY ARBIN BT2000 ANALYZER IN BATAN. In: ICMST 2010, 19-23 Oktober 2010, Serpong.

Kartini, Evvy and Y. S. Panca Putra, T. and Kuntoro, Iman and Sakuma, Takashi and Basar, Khairul and Kamishima, Osamu and Kawamura, Junichi (2010) Recent Studies on Lithium Solid Electrolytes (LiI)x(LiPO3)1-xfor Secondary Battery. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 79 (Suppl.). pp. 54-58. ISSN 0031-9015

Makhsun, Makhsun and Kartini, Evvy (2010) SINTESIS DAN KARAKTERISASI ELEKTROLIT PADAT BERBASIS GELAS LITHIUM (AgI)0,33(LiI)0,33(LiPO3)0,34. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, 12 (01). pp. 59-63. ISSN 1411-1098

Meriyanti, Meriyanti and Su’ud, Zaki and Rijal, K. and Zuhair, Z and Ferhat, A. and Sekimoto, H. (2010) Preliminary Design Study of Medium Sized Gas Cooled Fast Reactor with Natural Uranium as Fuel Cycle Input. In: conference.

Muflikhah, Muflikhah and Purwanto, Setyo (2010) Fe, Ni, AND B DOPED ON THE SINGLE-WALL CARBON NANOTUBE: COMPUTATIONAL STUDY. In: ICMST 2010, 19-23 Oktober 2010, Serpong.

Mulyaningsih, Th Rina and Istanto, Istanto and Yusuf, Saeful and Suprapti, Siti (2010) Analisis Unsur Toksik Dan Makro-mikro Nutrien Dalam Bahan Makanan Dengan Metode Analisis Aktivasi Neutron. Ganendra, 13 (1). pp. 46-55. ISSN 1410-6957

Muslih, M.Refai and Ridwan, Ridwan and Kuntoro, Iman and Minakawa, Nobuaki (2010) Applied Stress on Silicon Perfect Single Crystal for Controlling the Extinction Layer. Materials Science Forum, 652. pp. 255-259. ISSN 1662-9752

Nakamura, Mitsutaka and Arai, Masatoshi and Inamura, Yasuhiro and Kartini, Evvy (2010) Novel Dynamics of Superionic Conducting Glasses Proved by Inelastic Neutron Scattering. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 79 (Suppl.). pp. 122-124. ISSN 0031-9015

Nugraha, T and Panjaitan, Elman and Kartini, Evvy (2010) INCLUSION OF POLYVINYLEDENE FLUORIDE POLYMER AS BINDING AGENT FOR GRAPHITE AND LICOO2 GRANULES. In: ICMST 2010, 19-23 Oktober 2010, Serpong.


Patriati, Arum and Putra, Edy Giri Rachman and Seok Seong, Baek and Bin Mohamed, Abdul Aziz (2010) Effect of A Long Chain Carboxylate Acid on Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Micelle Structure: A SANS Study. In: AIP Conference 2010.

Pudjiastuti, Wiwik and Sudirman, Sudirman and Haryono, Agus and Deswita, Deswita (2010) Aplikasi Teknologi Kemasan yang Ramah Lingkungan dan Prospeknya. Jurnal Kimia dan Kemasan, 32 (1). p. 19. ISSN 2088-026X

Purnama, S and Purwanto, P and Winatapura, Didin S (2010) PENGARUH IRADIASI-γ TERHADAP REGANGAN KISI DAN KONDUKTIVITAS IONIK PADA KOMPOSIT PADAT (LiI)0,5(Al2O3.4SiO2)0,5. Urania, 16 (3). pp. 105-144. ISSN 0852-4777

Purwamargapratala, Yustinus and Purnama, Safei (2010) REGANGAN KISI DAN UKURAN BUTIR ELEKTROLIT PADAT KOMPOSIT ALKALI-ALUMINA. Urania, 16 (2). pp. 47-104. ISSN 2528-0473

Purwanto, A. and Fajar, A. and Mugirahardjo, H. and Fergus, J. W. and Wang, K. (2010) Cation distribution in spinel (Mn,Co,Cr)3O4at room temperature. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 43 (3). pp. 394-400. ISSN 0021-8898

Purwanto, S. (2010) Irradiation Effect of Argon Ion on Interfacial Structure Fe(2nm)/Si(t<sub>si</sub>=0.5-2 nm) Multilayer thin Film. Atom Indonesia, 36 (1). p. 35. ISSN 0126-1568

Putra, Edy Giri Rachman and Bharoto, Bharoto and Seong, Baek Seok (2010) Recent Development of a 36 meter Small-Angle Neutron Scattering BATAN Spectrometer (SMARTer) in Serpong Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 247. 012010. ISSN 1742-6596

Putra, Edy Giri Rachman and Bin Mohamed, Abdul Aziz (2010) Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) Facility at BATAN for Nanostructure Studies in Materials Science and Biology. In: AIP Conference 2010.

Putra, Edy Giri Rachman and Patriati, Arum (2010) Structural Studies of Hard and Soft Matter using a 36-meter Small-angle Neutron Scattering BATAN Spectrometer (SMARTer) in Serpong, Indonesia. hamon, 20 (2). pp. 128-135. ISSN 1349-046X

Putra, Edy Giri Rachman and Seong, Baek Seok and Shin, Eunjoo and Ikram, Abarrul and Ani, Sistin Ari and Darminto, Darminto (2010) Fractal Structures on Fe3O4Ferrofluid: A Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 247. 012028. ISSN 1742-6596

Rivai, Abu Khalid and Saito, Shigeru and Kato, Chiaki and Tezuka, Masao and Kikuchi, Kenji (2010) Study on Material Damage in the High Energy Quantum Beam Fields and Development of High Performance Materials. In: Proceedings of Annual / Fall Meetings of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Japanese.

Rivai, Abu Khalid and Takahashi, Minoru (2010) Investigations of a zirconia solid electrolyte oxygen sensor in liquid lead. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 398 (1-3). pp. 160-164. ISSN 00223115

Sakamoto, I and Purwanto, S and Koike, M and Honda, S and Hayashi, N and Miyamoto, Y and Wakabayshi, H and Toriyama, T and Nomura, K (2010) Structural and magnetic properties of Fe-Al2O3films prepared by helicon plasma sputtering. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

Sari, Widya and Fitriyani, Dian and Putra, Edy Giri Rachman and bin Mohamed, Abdul Aziz and Ibrahim, Noorddin and Bin Mohamed, Abdul Aziz (2010) Fractal Structures on Silica Aerogels Containing Titanium: A Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study. In: AIP Conference 2010.

Sudaryanto, Sudaryanto and Yulianti, Evi and Wahyudianingsih, Wahyudianingsih and Handayani, Ari and muthalib, abdul (2010) DEVELOPMENT OF BIODEGRADABLE MICRO AND NANOSPHERE FOR MEDICAL APPLICATION. In: ICMST 2010, 19-23 Oktober 2010, Serpong.

Sudirman, Sudirman and Mujamilah, Mujamilah and Karo Karo, Aloma and Sulungbudi, Grace Tj (2010) SIFAT MEKANIK, STRUKTURMIKRO DAN SIFAT MAGNETIK MAGNET KOMPOSIT SrO.6Fe2O3 (SrM)-POLIMER TERMOPLASTIK DAN TERMOSET. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, 12 (1). pp. 36-40. ISSN 1411-1098

Sugiantoro, Sugik and Sudirman, Sudirman and Karo Karo, Aloma and Deswita, Deswita and Yusuf, Saeful (2010) Pengaruh Penambahan Karet Alam Cair terhadap Sifat Termal Polyblend Elastomer Termoplastik. Jurnal Kimia dan Kemasan, 32 (1). p. 1. ISSN 2088-026X

Sukirman, Engkir and Adi, Wisnu Ari and Purwamargapratala, Yustinus (2010) ANALISIS STRUKTUR KRISTAL LAMNO3 DENGAN TEKNIK DIFRAKSI SINAR-X DAN METODE RIETVELD. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, 12 (1). pp. 70-74. ISSN 1411-1098

Sukirman, Engkir and Purwamargapratala, Yustinus and Adi, Wisnu Ari (2010) Crystal Structure Analysis of Lamno3 with X-ray Diffraction Technique Using the Rietveld Method. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, 12 (1). pp. 70-74. ISSN 1411-1098

Supandi, Suminta and Supardi, Supardi and Parikin, Parikin (2010) THE EFFECTS OF ADDING 1 M NaOH, KOH AND HCl SOLUTION TO THE FRAMEWORK STRUCTURE OF NATURAL ZEOLITE. In: ICMST 2010, 19-23 Oktober 2010, Serpong.

Supardjo, Supardjo and Boybul, Boybul and Kadarjono, Agoeng and Adi, Wisnu Ari (2010) ANALISIS STRUKTUR DAN KOMPOSISI FASE PADUAN U-7%Mo-x%Zr (x = 1, 2, 3% berat) HASIL PROSES PELEBURAN. Jurnal Teknologi Bahan Nuklir, 6 (2). pp. 94-104. ISSN ISSN: 1907-2635

Winatapura, Didin S (2010) The Conductivity Improvement of (LiBr)0.5 (Montmorillonite K-10)0.5 Superionic Conductor Materials Using γ-Rays Irradiation and Ionic Diffusion Process. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, 11 (3). pp. 150-154. ISSN 1411-1098

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