Items where Division is "Pusat Sains dan Teknologi Bahan Maju" and Year is 2000

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Number of items: 19.

B. Bandriyana and Pudjijanto MS (2000) Evaluasi unjuk kerja MCA-MicroNOMAD RSG-GAS. In: Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian P2TRR Tahun 1999/2000, 1999/2000, Jakarta.

Adi, Wisnu Ari and Sukirman, Engkir and Winatapura, Didin S and Sulungbudi, Grace Tj (2000) Faktor Koreksi Dimensi Sampel pada Sifat Listrik Superkonduktor YBa2Cu3O7-x dengan menggunakan metode Four Point Probe. Majalah Batan. pp. 15-30.

Bourny, V. and Fajar, A. and Orihara, H. (2000) Observation of the soft mode in the Sm-Cα*phase. Physical Review E, 62 (5). R5903-R5906. ISSN 1063-651X

Dani, Mohammad and Effendi, Nurdin (2000) HE EFFECT OF THE REACTIVE ELEMENT ON THE CHROMOXIDE AND ALUM IN IDE LAYERS IN THE HIGH TEMPERATURE CONDITION. Jurnal Mikroskopi dan Mikroanalisis, 3 (1). ISSN 1410-5594

Fajar, Andika and Orihara, Hiroshi and Bourny, Valery and Pavel, Jiri and Lorman, Vladimir (2000) Electrooptic Measurement in the Vicinity of SmA-SmCα* Phase Transition of an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 39 (Part 2). L166-L168. ISSN 00214922

Kartini, E and Collins, M.F (2000) Nature of the precipitate in (AgI)0.7(AgPO3)0.3 glass. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 276-27. pp. 467-468. ISSN 09214526

Kartini, E and Collins, M.F and Indayaningsih, N and Svensson, E.C (2000) Neutron scattering from the superionic glasses, (AgI)x(AgPO3)1−x, through the glass transition. Solid State Ionics, 138 (1-2). pp. 115-121. ISSN 01672738

Kartini, E. and Collins, M. F. and Priyanto, T. and Yusuf, M. and Indayaningsih, N. and Svensson, E. C. and Kennedy, S. J. (2000) Anomalous temperature dependence of the first diffraction peak in the superionic glass(AgI)x(AgPO3)1−x. Physical Review B, 61 (2). pp. 1036-1042. ISSN 0163-1829

Mujamilah, Mujamilah and Ridwan, Ridwan and Muslich, M. Refai and Purwanto, Setyo and Febri, M.I. Maya and Yohannes, Yohannes and Santoso, Eddy and Mugirahardjo, Herry (2000) VIBRATING SAMPLE MAGNETOMETER (VSM) TIPE OXFORD VSM1.2H. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Bahan Magnet I. pp. 77-81. ISSN 1411-7630

Purwanto, Setyo and Wagiyo, Wagiyo and Dani, M and Adi, Wisnu Ari and Muslich, Rifai R and Yamaguchi, Yasuo and Yamauchi, H (2000) PRELIMINARY STUDY OF MICROSTRUCTURE DEPENDENCE OF MAGNETORESISTANCE BEHAVIOR ON Sm.-xLaxMo2Ge2 COMPOUND WITH X= O, lo, 3. Jurnal Mikroskopi dan Mikroanalisis, 3 (1). pp. 13-16. ISSN 1410-5594

Ridwan, Ridwan and Mujamilah, Mujamilah and Purwanto, Setyo and Muslih, M. Refai and Yohannes, Yohannes and Febri, M and Santoso, Eddy and Mugirahardjo, Berry (2000) Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) Tipe Oxford VSM1. 2H. In: Proceeding of National Conference on Magnetic Materials I,(Puslitbang Iptek Bahan (P3IB)–BATAN, 2000, serpong.

Suasmoro, S. and Pratapa, S. and Hartanto, D. and Setyoko, D. and Dani, U.M. (2000) The characterization of mixed titanate Ba1−xSrxTiO3 phase formation from oxalate coprecipitated precursor. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 20 (3). pp. 309-314. ISSN 09552219

Sudirman, Sudirman and Handayanil, Ari and Darwinto, Tri and Yulius, Teguh and Sunarni, Anik and Marlijanti, Isni (2000) STRUKTUR MIKRO DAN SIFAT MEKANIK KOMPOSIT ELASTOMER TERMOPLASTIK -TIMBAL OKSIDA. .l Mikroskopi don Mikroanalisis, 3 (1). pp. 17-20. ISSN 1410-5594

Sukaryo, Sulistioso Giat and Elman, P (2000) The aging time effect on super elasticity characteristic of Ti-50.85% at.Ni shape memory alloy; Pengaruh waktu penuaan terhadap sifat superelastisitas paduan Shape Memory Ti-50.85% at.Ni. Majalah BATAN, 33. pp. 75-84.

Sukirman, Engkir and Adi, Wisnu Ari (2000) Sintesis Superkonduktor YBa2Cu3O7-x (Fasa-123) dengan Proses Pelelehan. Majalah BATAN XXXIII, XXXIII (1/2). pp. 31-45.

Winatapura, Didin S and Ari Adi, Wisnu (2000) Effect of silver oxide addition through the critical current density on YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7-}x High Tc superconductor; Pengaruh penambahan perak oksida terhadap rapat arus kritis superkonduktor Tc tinggi YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7-}x. Indonesian Journal of Materials Science, 1 (3). pp. 21-26. ISSN 1411-1098

Wisnu, A.A and Sukirman, Engkir and Winatapura, Didin S (2000) Low-resistivity electric contact for high Tc bulks ceramic superconductor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7-}x system; Kontak listrik resistivitas rendah pada bulk superkonduktor keramik Tc tinggi sistim YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7-}x. Indonesian Journal of Materials Science, 1 (3). pp. 27-32. ISSN 1411-1098

Wisnu, A.A and Sukirman, Engkir and Winatapura, Didin S (2000) Technique of Critical Current Density Measurement of Bulk Superconductor with Linear Extrapolation Method; Teknik Pengukuran rapat Arus Kritis Bulk Superkonduktor Tc Tinggi dengan Metode Ekstrapolasi Linear. In: Conference on the Role of Nuclear Science and Technology on Empowering National Potential,.

mohammad, dani and effendi, nurdin (2000) ANALISIS KOMPONEN KA TUP REGULA TOR ALIRAN GAS BUATANLOKAL. Jurnal Mikroskopi dan Mikroanalisis, 3 (2). pp. 27-31. ISSN 1410-5594

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