Items where Author is "Sumirat, Iwan"

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Number of items: 13.

Winarta, Adi and Putra, Nandy and Sumirat, Iwan and Fahrurrozi, Fahrurrozi and Bharoto, Bharoto (2018) A preliminary investigation on visualization of oscillating heat pipe with non-destructive test. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 105. 012074. ISSN 1755-1307

Sumirat, Iwan and Ramadhani, A. and Bharoto, B. and Sairun, S. and Refai, M. and Santoso, E. and Putra M. A., Muzakkiy (2017) BATAN’s thermal neutron TAS: First results. Journal of Neutron Research, 19 (3-4). pp. 135-145. ISSN 10238166

I Nyoman Gede, P. A and Sutowo, Cahya and Kartika, Ika and Darsono, Nono and Rokhmanto, Fendy and Senopati, Galih and Sulistioso, Giat S and Sumirat, Iwan and Djoko, Hadi P (2016) SINTESIS PADUAN Co26Cr6Mo DENGAN PENAMBAHAN 0,18N SEBAGAI BAHAN DASAR PEMBUATAN TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT (TKR). Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi 2016. pp. 1-4.

Sumirat, Iwan and Romanto, Romanto (2014) RANCANG BANGUN PROTOTIPE KULKAS MINI THERMOELEKTRIK. Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Sains, 1 (2). pp. 32-38. ISSN 25807749

Sumirat, Iwan and Tugonggo, Ronny (2014) Aplikasi Sel Surya Sebagai Energi Alternatif Untuk Mobile Charger. Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Sains, 1 (2). p. 18. ISSN 25807749

Sumirat, Iwan (2014) Simulasi Karakteristik Elektron dan Hole pada Daerah Pertemuan Dioda Silikon. Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Sains, 1 (1). pp. 22-25. ISSN 25807749

Sumirat, Iwan and Shimamura, Shuji (2012) Model calculation of the pore-size and porosity dependences of bulk moduli in nanoporous materials. Journal of Porous Materials, 19 (6). pp. 1009-1014. ISSN 1380-2224

Sumirat, Iwan and Ramadhani, A and Bharoto, Bharoto and Santoso, Edy and Rifai, Muhammad and Sairun, Sairun and Hafid, Irfan and Junaedi, Junaedi and Indarto, Indarto and S, Nadi (2011) PROGRESS REPORT REVITALISASI PERANGKAT KERAS SISTEM KONTROL SN1/TRIPLE AXIS SPECTROMETER. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hamburan Neutron dan Sinar-X ke 8, 2011.

Sumirat, Iwan and Yamamoto, Noriyuki and Shimamura, S. (2011) Optimization of Thermal and Mechanical Properties in Nanoporous Materials. Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 36 (2). pp. 281-284. ISSN 1382-3469

Fajar, Andika and Gunawan, Gunawan and Maulana, Alan and Refai Muslih, Muhamad and Hardi Priyanto, Tri and Giri Rachman Putra, Edy and Sumirat, Iwan and Sutiarso, Sutiarso (2010) Neutron Scattering in Indonesia: The Facility and Activity. hamon, 20 (4). pp. 292-301. ISSN 1349-046X

Sumirat, Iwan and Muslih, M. Refai and Kuntoro, Iman (2009) Verifikasi Unjuk Kerja Difraktometer Neutron DN1-M Melalui Pengukuran Regangan Sisa Pada Tiruan Sampel Standar ISO VAMAS-TWA20 dan Restand Shrink-Fit Paduan Alumunium A7075. In: Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering.

Sumirat, Iwan and Wibowo, Ari and Ilman, M. Noer and Pudjipurwatno, Teguh and Muslih, M. Refai (2007) PENGARUH TEGANGAN SISA TERHADAP FREKUENSI NADA DASAR PERUNGGU. In: Seminar Nasional Rekayasa Teknologi Industri dan Informasi ke-3, 24 November 2007, Yogyakarta.

Sumirat, Iwan and Ando, Y. and Shimamura, S. (2006) Theoretical consideration of the effect of porosity on thermal conductivity of porous materials. Journal of Porous Materials, 13 (3-4). pp. 439-443. ISSN 1380-2224

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