Items where Author is "B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto"

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Number of items: 13.


B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto and Catur Apriono (2020) High Gain 4x4 Microstrip Rectangular Patch Array Antenna for C-Band Satellite Application. Proceedings The 1st FORTEI-International Conference on Electrical Engineering (FORTEI-ICEE) 2020. pp. 125-129.

B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto and Ali Syahputra Nasution and Rosza Madina and Catur Apriono (2020) Design and Analysis of Optical Fiber Network for Railway Communication Lines. Proceedings 2020 The 7™ International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering. pp. 267-271.

B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto and Catur Apriono and Fitri Yuli Zulkifli and Eko Tjipto Rahardjo (2019) Hexagonal Triangular Fractal Antenna with Tapered Feedline and Reflector for 5G and UWB Applications. Proceedings 2019 IEEE CAMA : International Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (Focus on System). pp. 292-295.

B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto and Andy Indradjad and Sugiyanto and Ayom Widipaminto (2018) Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengolahan Data Satelit Metop Untuk Menghasilkan Data IASI. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh 2018. pp. 140-147.

Kurnia Ulfa and Inggit L. Sari and B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto (2018) Rancangan Pembaharuan Sistem Pemantauan Bumi Provinsi (SPBB) Online Berbasis Worldmap. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh 2018. pp. 148-155.

B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto and Andy Indradjad (2016) Pengolahan Data NOAA-18 Dengan menggunakan Software CSPP-IAPP Untuk Menghasilkan Data Relative Humidity. PROSIDINGSIPTEKGAN XX-2016Seminar Nasional IPTEK Penerbangan dan Antariksa XX Tahun 2016. pp. 261-267. ISSN 978-602-71833-2-2

Muchammad Soleh and Agus Suprijanto and B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto (2016) Perancangan Awal Sistem Stasiun Bumi Penginderaan Jauh untuk Akuisisi dan Perekaman Data Satelit JPSS-1 (Joint Polar Satellite System). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh 2016. pp. 51-62.

B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto and Andy Indradjad and Sugiyanto and Ayom Widipaminto (2016) Sistem Otomatisasi Pengolahan Data Satelit METOP-A di Stasiun Bumi Penginderaan Jauh Pekayon Jakarta LAPAN. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh 2016. pp. 73-80.

Muchammad Soleh and Agus Suprijanto and B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto (2016) Preliminary Design Of Remote Sensing Ground Station System for The JPSS-1 (Joint Polar Satellite System) Data Acquisition and Processing. Proceedings The 2nd International Conference of Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing 2016, 47. pp. 62-77.

Conference or Workshop Item

Yohanes Galih and Fetty Amelia and Dody Herdianto and B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto and Catur Apriono (2019) Optical Fiber Network Design in East Nusa Tenggara Based on Palapa Ring Project. In: 2019 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT), 24-25 July 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Andi Indrajad and Wismu Sunarmodo and Noriandini Salyasari and B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto (2019) Development of National Forest/Land Fire Monitoring System Using Remote Sensing Satellite Data (Terra/Aqua Modis and SNPP) by Automation and Nearly Real-Time. In: The 4th International Conference of Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing 2019.

B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto and Catur Apriono (2019) Gain Performance Analysis of A Parabolic Reflector Fed with ARectangular Microstrip Array. In: The 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology (IAICT 2020), July 1-3, 2019, Bali, Indonesia.

B. Pratiknyo Adi Mahatmanto and Catur Apriono (2019) Planar Microstrip Array Antenna with Rectangular Configuration Fed with Chebyshev Power Distribution for C-Band Satellite Application. In: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Innovative Research and Development (ICIRD) 2019, 28 June-30 June 2019, UI, Depok, Indonesia.

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