Preliminary Study on Production Of 32P – Labeled Phosphate Chromic as A Material for Skin Patch

Wira Y. Rahman, Endang Sarmini, Herlina Herlina, Abidin Abidin, Triyanto Triyanto, Hambali Hambali, Sriyono Sriyono, Triani Widyaningrum


Keloids are skin disorders or benign tumours that are due to abnormal wound healing in the binding tissue after a trauma, inflammation, surgical wounds, or burns. Low activity radioisotopes have shown to be effective in curing or eliminating keloids on the skin. One of these radioisotopes is phosphorus-32 (32P), a beta (β-) emitter with a half-life of 14.3 days. This radioisotope can also be developed for the treatment of keloid and skin tumours. Currently, keloid is treated by a conventional method applying the bulk of 32P radioisotope directly on keloid area. However, this method is considered inefficient and less secure. The purpose of this research is to obtain a technology for preparing of 32P-labeled skin patch. The first step of this research is to produce 32P-labeled chromic phosphate (Cr32PO4) colloids, through condensation involving oxidation-reduction reaction. In this step, Cr (VI) is reduced to Cr (III) to form Cr32POwith particle size of <1 μm.  These particles (Cr32PO4) are to expect to distribute evenly when mixed with silicon to form skin patch which will not decompose easily. Characterization of the prepared Cr32PO4colloids gave a yield of 97,8% with particle size of greater than > 1μm.  Further study needs to be performed in due time in order to have Cr32POcolloids with a suitable particle size.

Key words: keloid, chromic phosphate colloid, skin patch, condensation, oxidation-reduction reaction

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