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Technique of Critical Current Density Measurement of Bulk Superconductor with Linear Extrapolation Method; Teknik Pengukuran rapat Arus Kritis Bulk Superkonduktor Tc Tinggi dengan Metode Ekstrapolasi Linear



Technique of critical current density measurement (Jc) of HTc bulk ceramic superconductor has been performed by using linear extrapolation with four-point probes method. The measurement of critical current density HTc bulk ceramic superconductor usually causes damage in contact resistance. In order to decrease this damage factor, we introduce extrapolation method. The extrapolating data show that the critical current density Jc for YBCO (123) and BSCCO (2212) at 77 K are 10,85(6){sup -}2 and 14,46(6){sup -}2, respectively. This technique is easier, simpler, and the use of the current flow is low, so it will not damage the contact resistance of the sample. We expect that the method can give a better solution for bulk superconductor application. Key words. : superconductor, critical temperature, and critical current density.
Adi, Wisnu Ari; Sukirman, Engkir; Winatapura, Didin S [1] 
  1. Center for Research and Development of Materials Science and Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Serpong (Indonesia)
Publication Date:
Sep 01, 2000
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Conference on the Role of Nuclear Science and Technology on Empowering National Potential, Prosiding Seminar Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Dalam Pemberdayaan Potensi Nasional, Bandung (Indonesia), 11-12 Jul 2000; Other Information: 9 refs.; 3 tabs.; 3 figs; PBD: Sep 2000; Related Information: In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Nuclear Science and Technology: The Role of Nuclear Science and Technology Emporing National Potential, by Sofyan, Rochestri; Rahardjo, Henky P.; Nurdin, Martias; Umar, Efrizon; Margono; Tanudjojo, Nurhayati; Kukuh, Ratnawati; Nurlaila, Z.; Faruq, Muhammad; Sambodo, Guntur Daru (eds.) [National Nuclear Energy Agency, Bandung (Indonesia)], 651 pages.
Research Organizations:
Center for Research and Development of Nuclear Techniques, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Bandung (Indonesia)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 1410-1769; TRN: ID0300213084887
Available from Center for Development of Informatics and Computation Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560923, PO BOX 4274, Jakarta (ID)
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page(s) 616-623
Announcement Date:


Citation Formats

Adi, Wisnu Ari, Sukirman, Engkir, and Winatapura, Didin S. Technique of Critical Current Density Measurement of Bulk Superconductor with Linear Extrapolation Method; Teknik Pengukuran rapat Arus Kritis Bulk Superkonduktor Tc Tinggi dengan Metode Ekstrapolasi Linear. Indonesia: N. p., 2000. Web.
Adi, Wisnu Ari, Sukirman, Engkir, & Winatapura, Didin S. Technique of Critical Current Density Measurement of Bulk Superconductor with Linear Extrapolation Method; Teknik Pengukuran rapat Arus Kritis Bulk Superkonduktor Tc Tinggi dengan Metode Ekstrapolasi Linear. Indonesia.
Adi, Wisnu Ari, Sukirman, Engkir, and Winatapura, Didin S. 2000. "Technique of Critical Current Density Measurement of Bulk Superconductor with Linear Extrapolation Method; Teknik Pengukuran rapat Arus Kritis Bulk Superkonduktor Tc Tinggi dengan Metode Ekstrapolasi Linear." Indonesia.
title = {Technique of Critical Current Density Measurement of Bulk Superconductor with Linear Extrapolation Method; Teknik Pengukuran rapat Arus Kritis Bulk Superkonduktor Tc Tinggi dengan Metode Ekstrapolasi Linear}
author = {Adi, Wisnu Ari, Sukirman, Engkir, and Winatapura, Didin S}
abstractNote = {Technique of critical current density measurement (Jc) of HTc bulk ceramic superconductor has been performed by using linear extrapolation with four-point probes method. The measurement of critical current density HTc bulk ceramic superconductor usually causes damage in contact resistance. In order to decrease this damage factor, we introduce extrapolation method. The extrapolating data show that the critical current density Jc for YBCO (123) and BSCCO (2212) at 77 K are 10,85(6){sup -}2 and 14,46(6){sup -}2, respectively. This technique is easier, simpler, and the use of the current flow is low, so it will not damage the contact resistance of the sample. We expect that the method can give a better solution for bulk superconductor application. Key words. : superconductor, critical temperature, and critical current density.}
place = {Indonesia}
year = {2000}
month = {Sep}