The presence of applied magnetic field H on superconductor material causes the vortex movement and finally the energy dissipation, so that the materials have a low critical current density (Jc). A flux pinning is required to hold the vortex movement. We study the existence of flux pinning enhancement on superconductor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} system from sintering process (YBaCuO-sintering) to melt texture growth process (YBaCuO-MTG). The high pinning force density Fp is affected by material inhomogeneity in the form of grain boundary. crystal defect in the form of material impurity, experiment temperature very low, and high applied magnetic field H. Fp maximum at T = 5 K for the YBaCuO-sintering and YBaCuO-MTG samples are 1.42 x 10{sup 8} Nm{sup 3} (H 17 k Oe) and 7.39 x 10{sup 9} Nm{sup -3} (H = 14 k Oe), respectively. Jc maximum for the YBaCuO sintering and YBaCuO-MTG samples are 1.78 x 10{sup 4}A.cm{sup -2} and 5.76 x 10. A.cm{sup -2}, respectively. Jc maximum was obtained at Fp optimum. By controlling and optimizing Fp, it is expected that Jc increase.
Adi, Wisnu Ari;
Sukirman, Engkir;
Didin, S W;
Sulungbudi, Grace Tj
- Center for Research and Development of Material Science and Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Serpong (Indonesia)
Citation Formats
Adi, Wisnu Ari, Sukirman, Engkir, Didin, S W, and Sulungbudi, Grace Tj.
Flux Pinning Enhancement On Bulk Superconductor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} Through Melt Texture Growth Process; Peningkatan Flux Pinning Pada Bulk Superkonduktor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} Melalui Proses Melt Texture Growth.
Indonesia: N. p.,
Adi, Wisnu Ari, Sukirman, Engkir, Didin, S W, & Sulungbudi, Grace Tj.
Flux Pinning Enhancement On Bulk Superconductor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} Through Melt Texture Growth Process; Peningkatan Flux Pinning Pada Bulk Superkonduktor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} Melalui Proses Melt Texture Growth.
Adi, Wisnu Ari, Sukirman, Engkir, Didin, S W, and Sulungbudi, Grace Tj.
"Flux Pinning Enhancement On Bulk Superconductor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} Through Melt Texture Growth Process; Peningkatan Flux Pinning Pada Bulk Superkonduktor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} Melalui Proses Melt Texture Growth."
title = {Flux Pinning Enhancement On Bulk Superconductor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} Through Melt Texture Growth Process; Peningkatan Flux Pinning Pada Bulk Superkonduktor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} Melalui Proses Melt Texture Growth}
author = {Adi, Wisnu Ari, Sukirman, Engkir, Didin, S W, and Sulungbudi, Grace Tj}
abstractNote = {The presence of applied magnetic field H on superconductor material causes the vortex movement and finally the energy dissipation, so that the materials have a low critical current density (Jc). A flux pinning is required to hold the vortex movement. We study the existence of flux pinning enhancement on superconductor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} system from sintering process (YBaCuO-sintering) to melt texture growth process (YBaCuO-MTG). The high pinning force density Fp is affected by material inhomogeneity in the form of grain boundary. crystal defect in the form of material impurity, experiment temperature very low, and high applied magnetic field H. Fp maximum at T = 5 K for the YBaCuO-sintering and YBaCuO-MTG samples are 1.42 x 10{sup 8} Nm{sup 3} (H 17 k Oe) and 7.39 x 10{sup 9} Nm{sup -3} (H = 14 k Oe), respectively. Jc maximum for the YBaCuO sintering and YBaCuO-MTG samples are 1.78 x 10{sup 4}A.cm{sup -2} and 5.76 x 10. A.cm{sup -2}, respectively. Jc maximum was obtained at Fp optimum. By controlling and optimizing Fp, it is expected that Jc increase.}
journal = {Indonesian Journal of Materials Science}
issue = {1}
volume = {3}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Indonesia}
year = {2001}
month = {Oct}
title = {Flux Pinning Enhancement On Bulk Superconductor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} Through Melt Texture Growth Process; Peningkatan Flux Pinning Pada Bulk Superkonduktor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} Melalui Proses Melt Texture Growth}
author = {Adi, Wisnu Ari, Sukirman, Engkir, Didin, S W, and Sulungbudi, Grace Tj}
abstractNote = {The presence of applied magnetic field H on superconductor material causes the vortex movement and finally the energy dissipation, so that the materials have a low critical current density (Jc). A flux pinning is required to hold the vortex movement. We study the existence of flux pinning enhancement on superconductor YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7x} system from sintering process (YBaCuO-sintering) to melt texture growth process (YBaCuO-MTG). The high pinning force density Fp is affected by material inhomogeneity in the form of grain boundary. crystal defect in the form of material impurity, experiment temperature very low, and high applied magnetic field H. Fp maximum at T = 5 K for the YBaCuO-sintering and YBaCuO-MTG samples are 1.42 x 10{sup 8} Nm{sup 3} (H 17 k Oe) and 7.39 x 10{sup 9} Nm{sup -3} (H = 14 k Oe), respectively. Jc maximum for the YBaCuO sintering and YBaCuO-MTG samples are 1.78 x 10{sup 4}A.cm{sup -2} and 5.76 x 10. A.cm{sup -2}, respectively. Jc maximum was obtained at Fp optimum. By controlling and optimizing Fp, it is expected that Jc increase.}
journal = {Indonesian Journal of Materials Science}
issue = {1}
volume = {3}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Indonesia}
year = {2001}
month = {Oct}