World Scientific

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The demand for compact and high energy density batteries is constantly increasing with miniaturization of micro batteries for portable devices. All solid state batteries that consist of solid electrolyte and two electrodes have attracted much attention, because of their potential for flexibility, safety and further miniaturization. Superionic glass AgI-AgPO3 is well known superionic conductor that has been investigated by many different techniques. Its high conductivity up to ~ 10−2S/cm at ambient temperature has attracted many researchers to understand the mechanism of ionic conductivity. The neutron scattering studies revealed the existence of prepeak at low Q in the structure factor S(Q) and the boson peak at low energy in the dynamic structure factor S(Q,E). Those results showed that many interesting phenomena were found out in this material. However, its application as solid electrolyte in a solid state rechargeable battery is only little known. In order to complete the feature of this material, we fabricated cell batteries Ag/ AgI-AgPO3 /I2,C . The silver and iodine-carbon were used as the anode and cathode, respectively. This paper will describe the recent results of solid electrolyte AgI-AgPO3 and the performance of the new solid state battery.