
Progress in Nuclear Energy

Volume 50, Issues 2–6, March–August 2008, Pages 192-196
Progress in Nuclear Energy

A rail transportable lead–bismuth cooled reactor


A conceptual design of a small reactor cooled by lead–bismuth is developed. The main constraint on this reactor design is its transportability. The whole reactor module should be transportable on a rail cart. This imposes a volume envelope of approximately 4.5 × 4.5 × 24 m and the maximum weight of about 300 tons. Therefore, the reactor vessel is 3 m in diameter and 3.85 m tall. In order to satisfy the proliferation resistance requirements the reactor is sealed after the fuel is loaded and shall not be opened until it is shipped back after it reaches its end of lifetime after 15years. The reactor fuel is 11% and 13% enriched plutonium nitride. Reactor power is 50 MWth which translates into 15 MWe. Reactor pool is at nearly atmospheric pressure. Core inlet and outlet temperature are 350 and 365 °C, respectively. The reactor uses electromagnetic pumps to drive the primary coolant circulation. Secondary system consists of saturated steam cycle operating at 7 MPa and 290 °C. This reactor is well suited for secluded areas with the demand for electricity such as small islands.


Fast reactor
Small nuclear reactor
Transportable nuclear reactor