DESAIN FIRE TUBE BOILER UNTUK UTILITAS PABRIK ELEMEN BAKAR NUKLIR TIPE PWR 1000 MWe. Fire tube boiler adalah suatu bejana tertutup yang mengubah air menjadi uap dengan jalan pemanasan dan uap tersebut digunakan ke fasilitas pengguna. Desain boiler ini berskala kecil dengan kapasitas uap jenuh 612,43 kg/jam, menggunakan bahan bakar minyak sebagai sumber energi panas. Boiler ini dirancang khusus sebagai unit utilitas pemanas untuk fasilitas pabrik elemen bakar nuklir PWR1000 MWe. Sistem pembakaran boiler ini dirancang menggunakan burner dengan bahan bakar minyak solar karena harganya masih dapat bersaing bila dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar gas ataupun bahan bakar padat. Boiler ini direncanakan menghasilkan uap jenuh pada temperatur 1320C dan tekanan operasi 2,1 bar. Komponen boiler yang dirancang meliputi tangki boiler, ruang bakar dan pipa api. Perhitungan meliputi boiler horse power, Volume tangki, diameter tangki, panjang panjang tangki, tebal tangki, luas permukaan tangki, volume ruang bakar, diameter luar ruang bakar, luas permukaan ruang bakar, tebal ruang bakar, dan dimensi pipa api. Dari hasil rancangan diperoleh BHP = 40 hp, volume ruang bakar = 0,96 m3, luas permukaan ruang bakar = 7,2 m2, diameter luar ruang bakar = 0,508 m, tebal ruang bakar = 38 mm, Volume tangki boiler = 2,83 m3 , diameter dalam tangki boiler = 1,2 m, panjang tangki boiler = 2,5 m, luas permukaan tangki boiler = 9,42 m2, diameter luar pipa api = 33,4 mm, volume pipa api = 0,02 m3, luas permukaan pipa api = 6,61 m2, panjang pipa api = 1,5 m, tebal pipa api = 3,7 mm, volume uap dalam boiler = 0,4 m3 dan volume air dalam boiler = 1,45 m3. Bahan bakar solar dengan VHI = 140.000 BTU/gallon, LHV = 43,400 kJ/kg dan efisiensi boiler 80%.
Kata Kunci : Boiler, Bahan Bakar, Uap, Pabrik Elemen Bakar Nuklir PWR-1000 MWe
FIRE TUBE BOILER DESIGN FOR UTILITY PLANT NUCLEAR FUEL ELEMENT TYPE PWR 1000 MWe. Fire tube boiler is a closed vessel which is altering the water into steam and the steam heating is used to facility users. This small-scale boiler design which has a capacity of 612.43 kg of saturated steam / hour uses fossil fuels as a source of heat energy. This boiler is designed specifically as a unit for the heating utility plant facilities PWR1000 MWe nuclear fuel elements. Boiler combustion system is designed using a burner with petroleum diesel fuel because it can still be competitive when compared with fuel gas or solid fuel. The boiler is planned to produce saturated steam at temperatures of 1320C and operating pressure of 2,1 bar. Designed components of the boiler are shell, combustion chamber and fire tubes. Calculation includes boiler horse power, shell volume, shell diameter, shell length, shell thick, surface area of shell, the volume of the combustion chamber, combustion chamber thick, combustion chamber outer diameter, surface area of combustion chamber, and fire tube dimensions. From the results of the calculation were obtained BHP = 40 hp, combustion chamber volume = 0,96 m3, surface are of combustion chamber = 7,2 m2, combustion chamber outer diameter = 0,508 m, chamber thickness = 38 mm, shell insise diameter = 1.2 m, shell boiler Volume = 2,83 m3 , shell boiler inside diameter = 1,2 m, shell boiler length = 2,5 m, shell boiler surface area = 9,42 m2, tube outer diameter = 33,4 mm, tubes volume = 0,02 m3, surface area of tubes = 6,61 m2, tube length = 1,5 m, tubes thickness = 3,4 mm, volume of steam in boiler = 0,4 m3 and volume of water in boiler = 1,45 m3. Diesel fuel consumption with VHI = 140.000 GPH, LHV = 43,400 kJ/ kg and 80% boiler efficiency.
Keywords: Boiler, Fuel, Steam, Nuclear Fuel Element Plant, PWR-1000 MWe
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