PENGARUH PENCUCIAN LARUTAN NaOCl DAN PENAMBAHAN KOLOM KEDUA ALUMINA TERHADAP YIELDDAN LOLOSAN Mo-99 DARI GENERATOR Mo-99/Tc-99m BERBASIS PZC. Alumina merupakan salah satu bahan utama dalam generator Mo-99/Tc-99m yang berfungsi sebagai zat pengadsorpsi molibdenum. Keterbatasan daya serap alumina terhadap molibdenum menyebabkan senyawa ini tidak dapat digunakan sebagai pengisi kolom untuk generator Mo-99/Tc-99m yang menggunakan Mo-99 hasil aktivasi neutron. Dengan diketemukannya senyawa baru sebagai zat pengadsorpsi molibdenum yaitu PZC (poly zirconium compound), telah memberikan harapan baru untuk dapat dilakukannya pembuatan generator Mo-99/Tc-99m. Penelitian pembuatan generator Mo-99/Tc-99m dengan menggunakan senyawa PZC sebagai adsorbent merupakan bentuk kerjasama antara PRR-BATAN Serpong dengan JAERI dan Kaken Co. Jepang. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan percobaan pembuatan generator Mo-99/Tc-99m dengan melihat pengaruh penambahan pencucian menggunakan larutan NaOCl terhadap Yield dan lolosan Mo-99(Mo-99 breakthrough) dalam larutan Tc-99m hasil elusi . Parameter lainnya yang digunakan untuk mengurangi lolosan Mo-99 dalam Tc-99m hasil elusi adalah penambahan kolom alumina yang ditempatkan setelah kolom Mo-99 PZC.Hasil penentuan kapasitas serap senyawa PZC terhadap molibdenum diperoleh dengan melihat aktivitas Mo-99 setelah pemanasan 3 jam campuran PZC dan molibdenum dan diperoleh hasil setiap gram PZC mampu menyerap 80-95 % mg dari 268 mg molibdenum yang direaksikan. Hasil penentuan yield elusi generator Mo-99/Tc-99m dengan larutan pencuci salin diperoleh < 50 % dan Yield meningkat menjadi > 80 % setelah pencucian dilakukan dengan menggunakan larutan NaOCl 0,5 % atau 1 % . Penggunaan larutan pencuci NaOCl 0,5 % dan penggunaan kolom alumina sebagai kolom kedua mampu menjaga kestabilan Yield hasil elusi dan meminimalkan lolosan Mo-99 pada Tc-99m hasil elusi.
Kata kunci: alumina, generator PZC, Mo-99,Tc-99m, NaOCl
Alumina is one of main material in Mo-99/Tc-99m generator as molybdenum adsorbent. Limitation of alumina adsorption capacity to molybdenum cause this material cannot be applied as column filler for generator Mo-99/Tc-99m using Mo-99 from neutron activation . The invention of new compound as molybdenum adsorbent , PZC ( poly zirconium compound), have shown that the materials is a promising adsorbent for generator Mo-99/Tc-99m from (n,γ) irradiated molybdenum. The research of generator Mo-99/Tc-99m by using adsorbent PZC is form of cooperation between PRR-BATAN Serpong with JAERI and Kaken Co. Japan. In this research, the effects of addition of NaOCl solution to elution yield and Mo-99 breakthrough have been done. The other parameter used in this experiment to minimize Mo-99 breakthrough in Tc-99m is addition of second column alumina placed after Mo-99 PZC column. Adsorption capacity of PZC material to molybdenum determined by heating Mo-99 solution with PZC up to 3 hours and the result indicated 1 gram PZC adsorbed 80-95 % Mo-99 from the reacted 268 mg molybdenum. Yield percentage of the Mo-99/Tc-99m generator without rinsed by saline solution obtained < 50 % and the yield increased > 80 % after the column washing by using NaOCl 0,5 % or 1 % solutions. Usage of both NaOCl 0,5 % solution and alumina column as second column can give yield stability and minimize Mo-99 breakthrough at Tc-99m effluent.
Key words: Alumina, PZC generator,Mo-99,Tc-99m, NaOCl
Kata kunci: alumina, generator PZC, Mo-99,Tc-99m, NaOCl
Alumina is one of main material in Mo-99/Tc-99m generator as molybdenum adsorbent. Limitation of alumina adsorption capacity to molybdenum cause this material cannot be applied as column filler for generator Mo-99/Tc-99m using Mo-99 from neutron activation . The invention of new compound as molybdenum adsorbent , PZC ( poly zirconium compound), have shown that the materials is a promising adsorbent for generator Mo-99/Tc-99m from (n,γ) irradiated molybdenum. The research of generator Mo-99/Tc-99m by using adsorbent PZC is form of cooperation between PRR-BATAN Serpong with JAERI and Kaken Co. Japan. In this research, the effects of addition of NaOCl solution to elution yield and Mo-99 breakthrough have been done. The other parameter used in this experiment to minimize Mo-99 breakthrough in Tc-99m is addition of second column alumina placed after Mo-99 PZC column. Adsorption capacity of PZC material to molybdenum determined by heating Mo-99 solution with PZC up to 3 hours and the result indicated 1 gram PZC adsorbed 80-95 % Mo-99 from the reacted 268 mg molybdenum. Yield percentage of the Mo-99/Tc-99m generator without rinsed by saline solution obtained < 50 % and the yield increased > 80 % after the column washing by using NaOCl 0,5 % or 1 % solutions. Usage of both NaOCl 0,5 % solution and alumina column as second column can give yield stability and minimize Mo-99 breakthrough at Tc-99m effluent.
Key words: Alumina, PZC generator,Mo-99,Tc-99m, NaOCl
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