Current chromatography methods used for radiochemical purity test of 131I-Hippuran is time consuming. Therefore, in this study we explored several static and mobile phases in order to have a chromatography method which is accurate and efficient or less time consuming. In this study, stationary phases (Whatman-1, 31ET, and 3MM papers) and several mobile phases were explored to separate 131I-Hippuran from its impurity (131I iodide ion). The results of this study showed that the most efficient chromatography system for measurement of radiochemical purity of 131I-Hippuran was by using Whatman-31ET paper and n-butanol: acetic acid: water (4:1:1) as a static phase and mobile phase respectively. Developing time for this method was of approximately 75.7 ± 2.7 minutes. The result of radiochemical purity (%RCP) of 131I-Hippuran measured with this chromatography system either using Whatman-1 or Whatman-31ET paper strips was 98.7%. The short size of Whatman-31ET paper strip (1 x 8 cm) was found to have shorter developing time compared to that of long size paper. This system showed a good separation of 131I-Hippuran from its impurities and gave %RCP of 98.1% ± 0.04% with developing time approximately 44.3 ± 9.4 minutes. The short size of Whatman-31ET paper strips was found to be more efficient compared to that of Whatman-1 and Whatman-3MM paper strips in term of developing time.
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