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Open Access Penanganan limbah krom dengan metode destruksi kimia

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The treatment of chrome waste water was conducted by chemical destruction method. Chromium recovery process that at the same time lowering the chrome content is considered the best solution so far. The treatment of chrome The treatment of chrome waste water was done by chemical process using Magnesium Oxide and Lime to produce Sludge of Chromium performed. By the process of chemical destruction method using Sulphuric Acid, Chrome Sulphate or Chromosal powder that can be used as an alternative tanning agent can be obtained. It can be concluded from the research that destruction process of Chrome Hydroxide Sludge of Lime Process requires speed of stirring 100 rpm. At this state, the content of soluble Solid Substance in Chromium Sulphate Liquor was 5.125 g/l, and the solubility of chromosal in water was 99.15%, whereas for Sludge of Chrome Hydoxide from Magnesium Oxide process, the best speed of stirring was 150 rpm, with soluble solid substance in the Chrome Sulphate was 4.085 g/l and solubility of Chromosal powder in water was 99.54%.
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Document Type: Research Article

Affiliations: 1: Balai Besar Kulit, Karet dan Plastik 2: Pusat Teknologi Akselerator dan Proses Bahan, BATAN

Publication date: 01 January 2007

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