Measurements and calculations of neutron leakage spectra from slabs irradiated with 9Be(d, n)10B 2H(d, n)3He and Pu–Be neutrons


The spectra of neutrons from the 9Be(d, n)10B, 2H(d, n)3He and Pu–Be sources passing through slabs of water, graphite, Al, Fe and Pb up to 20 cm in thickness were measured by a pulse height response spectrometer in the 1.5–15 MeV range. The measured leakage spectra have been compared with calculated results obtained using the three dimensional Monte-Carlo code MCNP-4A and point-wise cross sections from the ENDF/B-IV, ENDF/B-VI and JENDL-3.1 data files. A comparison of the measured and calculated data has shown that the MCNP-4A code with an appropriate library can reasonably approximate the measured leakage spectra.


Neutron transport processes
sources of neutrons
neutron spectroscopy

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