Analysis of Safety and Health of Radiation Officer at Pilot Plant BNCT
BNCT, radiation safety, boron
Radiation is emission energy which derived from the process of transformation of atoms or nuclei unstable. The emission energy was emitted by a hoarse radiation, can cause changes in physical, chemical and biological material in its path so that the radiation worker should give special attention to health and safety during operate the installation using radiation. Limits opportunities for stochastic effects occur, or the risk resulting from the use of radiation that can be accepted by the public, and workers and prevent the occurrence of deterministic result of radiation harm to the individual. Equivalent dose of radiation received by workers or the public should not be beyond Dose Limit Value (NBD). This also applies to the radiation workers who operate tools for cancer therapy method using boron or Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). BNCT is a method of new cancer therapies that are being developed, which combines methods of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. BNCT method utilizing 10B or boron compounds are likely to capture neutrons in thermal energy, which is produced by high - Linear Energy Transfer (LET). Medical examinations for radiation workers should be done regularly and follow the general principles of treatment work, namely the examination before work and after work. Threshold limit radiation exposure was 0.2 to 0.5 Sv. When a person is exposed to radiation overdose, the investigation dosage needs to be done specifically include biological dosimetry.Downloads
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Kawabata S, Hiramatsu R, Kuroiwa T, Ono K, Shin-Ichi M. (2013). Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Recurrent High-Grade Meningiomas; J Neurosurg, Vol. 119, hlm. 837-844.
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Sakurai Y., H. Tanaka, T. Takata, N. Fujimoto, M. Suzuki, S. Masunaga,Y. Kinashi, N. Kondo, M. Narabayashi, Y. Nakagawa, T. Watanabe, Koji Ono and A. Maruhashi.( 2015). Advances in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) at Kyoto University From Reactor-based BNCT to Accelerator-based BNCT, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 67, No. 1, halm. 76∼81Mitsumoto T., Yajima S., Tsutsui H., Ogasawara T., Fujita K., Tanaka H., Sakurai Y., Maruhashi A. (2013). Cyclotron-Based Neutron Source For BNCT, Aplication of Accelerators in Research and Industry, AIP Conf. Proc. 1525, hlm. 319-322.
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Sun T., Zhang Z., Bin Li, Chen G., Xueshun Xie, Yongxin Wei, Jie Wu, Youxin Zhou and Ziwei Du. (2013). Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Cell Apoptosis of Glioma Stem/Progenitor Cell In Vitro; Radiation Oncology, 8:195
Suzuki M., Kato I., Aihara T., Hiratsuka J., Yoshimura K., Niimi M., Kimura Y., Ariyoshi Y., Haginomori S., Sakurai Y., Kinashi Y., Masunaga S., Fukushima M., Ono K. And Maruhashi A. (2014). Boron neutron capture therapy outcomes for advanced or recurrent head and neck cancer. Journal of Radiation Research, 55, hlm. 146–153.
Sweet W H. JAVID M. (1951) The possible use of slow neutrons plus boron"' in therapy of intracranial tumors. Trcrrr.strciio,r.s ofrlic A/ticricwi Neitro/o,qiccil Associririori. 76th Annual Mccting. pp. 60 -63
Y. Tetsuya, T. Koji, Nakai K et al. (2013). Boron eutron Capture Therapy for Brain Tumors, Transl Cancer Res.;2(2):80-86
Filano R., Hidayanto E., Arifin Z. (2014). Analisa Tingkat Kontaminasi Dosis Nuklir dan Laju Paparan Radiasi Pada Instalasa Kedokteran Nuklir, Youngster Physics Journal, Vol. 3 hlm. 317-328.
International Atomik Energy Agency. (1999). IAEA Savety Standart Series RS-G-1.1: Occupational Radiation Protection
International Atomik Energy Agency. (1999). IAEA Savety Standart Series, Assessment of Occupational Exposure Due to External Source of Radiation RS-G-1.3,1999
International Atomik Energy Agency. (2001). Current Status of Neutron Capture Therapy, IAEA-TECDOC-1223.Vienna
Kageji T., Nagahiro S., Mizobuchi Y., Matsuzaki K., Nakagawa Y., and Kumada H. (2014). Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for newly-diagnosed glioblastoma : Comparison of clinical results obtained with BNCT and conventional treatment.; The Journal of Medical Investigation, Vol. 61, hlm. 254-263.
Kawabata S, Hiramatsu R, Kuroiwa T, Ono K, Shin-Ichi M. (2013). Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Recurrent High-Grade Meningiomas; J Neurosurg, Vol. 119, hlm. 837-844.
Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional. (2004). Dokumen Proteksi Radiasi, BadanTenaga Nuklir Nasional.
Sakurai Y., H. Tanaka, T. Takata, N. Fujimoto, M. Suzuki, S. Masunaga,Y. Kinashi, N. Kondo, M. Narabayashi, Y. Nakagawa, T. Watanabe, Koji Ono and A. Maruhashi.( 2015). Advances in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) at Kyoto University From Reactor-based BNCT to Accelerator-based BNCT, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 67, No. 1, halm. 76∼81Mitsumoto T., Yajima S., Tsutsui H., Ogasawara T., Fujita K., Tanaka H., Sakurai Y., Maruhashi A. (2013). Cyclotron-Based Neutron Source For BNCT, Aplication of Accelerators in Research and Industry, AIP Conf. Proc. 1525, hlm. 319-322.
Senduk P., Danes V. R., Rumampuk J. F. (2015). Penggunaan Radioisotop pada Deteksi Dini Penyakit Kanker, Juenal e-Biomedik, Vol. 2, hlm. 620-623.
Sun T., Zhang Z., Bin Li, Chen G., Xueshun Xie, Yongxin Wei, Jie Wu, Youxin Zhou and Ziwei Du. (2013). Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Cell Apoptosis of Glioma Stem/Progenitor Cell In Vitro; Radiation Oncology, 8:195
Suzuki M., Kato I., Aihara T., Hiratsuka J., Yoshimura K., Niimi M., Kimura Y., Ariyoshi Y., Haginomori S., Sakurai Y., Kinashi Y., Masunaga S., Fukushima M., Ono K. And Maruhashi A. (2014). Boron neutron capture therapy outcomes for advanced or recurrent head and neck cancer. Journal of Radiation Research, 55, hlm. 146–153.
Sweet W H. JAVID M. (1951) The possible use of slow neutrons plus boron"' in therapy of intracranial tumors. Trcrrr.strciio,r.s ofrlic A/ticricwi Neitro/o,qiccil Associririori. 76th Annual Mccting. pp. 60 -63
Y. Tetsuya, T. Koji, Nakai K et al. (2013). Boron eutron Capture Therapy for Brain Tumors, Transl Cancer Res.;2(2):80-86
How to Cite
N, Y., Soeparmi, S., & Sardjono, Y. (2017). Analysis of Safety and Health of Radiation Officer at Pilot Plant BNCT. Indonesian Journal of Physics and Nuclear Applications, 2(1), 42-46.

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