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Climate and vector-borne diseases in Indonesia: a systematic literature review and critical appraisal of evidence


Climate is widely known as an important driver to transmit vector-borne diseases (VBD). However, evidence of the role of climate variability on VBD risk in Indonesia has not been adequately understood. We conducted a systematic literature review to collate and critically review studies on the relationship between climate variability and VBD in Indonesia. We searched articles on PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases that are published until December 2021. Studies that reported the relationship of climate and VBD, such as dengue, chikungunya, Zika, and malaria, were included. For the reporting, we followed the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. A total of 66 out of 284 studies were reviewed. Fifty-two (78.8%) papers investigated dengue, 13 (19.7%) papers studied malaria, one (1.5%) paper discussed chikungunya, and no (0%) paper reported on Zika. The studies were predominantly conducted in western Indonesian cities. Most studies have examined the short-term effect of climate variability on the incidence of VBD at national, sub-national, and local levels. Rainfall (n = 60/66; 90.9%), mean temperature (Tmean) (n = 50/66; 75.8%), and relative humidity (RH) (n = 50/66; 75.8%) were the common climatic factors employed in the studies. The effect of climate on the incidence of VBD was heterogenous across locations. Only a few studies have investigated the long-term effects of climate on the distribution and incidence of VBD. The paucity of high-quality epidemiological data and variation in methodology are two major issues that limit the generalizability of evidence. A unified framework is required for future research to assess the impacts of climate on VBD in Indonesia to provide reliable evidence for better policymaking.

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Fig. 1
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All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article (and its Supplementary information files).


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Study conceptualization: RM, PWD. Methodology: RM, EPA, PWD. Formal analysis: RM, EPA, PWD. Supervision: AA, PWD. Project administration: RM, JA, AA. Data collection: RM, JA, EPA. Validation: AA, EPA, PWD. Writing (original draft): RM, PWD. Writing (review and editing): all authors.

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Marina, R., Ariati, J., Anwar, A. et al. Climate and vector-borne diseases in Indonesia: a systematic literature review and critical appraisal of evidence. Int J Biometeorol (2022).

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  • Climate
  • Vector-borne diseases
  • Indonesia
  • Dengue
  • Malaria
  • Zika