MPI Vol. 19, No. 1, Juni 2016
Synthesis of DOTA-TOC Conjugate as a Precursor of 177Lu-DOTA-TOC Radiopharmaceutical
for Therapy and Diagnosis of Somatostatin Receptor Positive Cancer
Rien Ritawidya, Sutari, Sri Setiyowati, Mochamad Subur, Yunilda Alwi, Veronika Yulianti Susilo, Titis
Sekar Humani, and Martalena Ramli ........................................................................................... 1-14
Emulsion Stability with PLA as Co-Surfactant
Yenny Meliana and Melati Septiyanti ......................................................................................... 15-22
Sintesis dan Pencirian Nanopartikel Fe3O4 dalam Hidrogel Kitosan
Agrin Febrian Pradana, Wildan Zakiah Lubis, Grace Tj. Sulungbudi, Ari Handajani, Mujamilah, dan
Budi Arifin ............................................................................................................................ 23-39
Pengaruh Perendaman Membran Komposit Hidroksiapatit-Kitosan-Poli(Vinil Alkohol) dalam
Larutan Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) terhadap Karakteristiknya
Yessy Warastuti dan Darmawan Darwis ...................................................................................... 40-53
The Effect of Plasticization on Properties of Polymer Electrolyte PVDF Incorporated with LiPF6
Evi Yulianti, Achmad Salafuddin, Sudaryanto, Mashadi, and Deswita .............................................. 54-67
An Effort on Homogenizing Size Distribution of Magnetic Nanosphere (MN)
Fe3O4-Poly-Lactic Acids (PLA) for Hyperthermia Treatment
Grace Tj. Sulungbudi and Mujamilah .......................................................................................... 68-83