National comparison of activity measurements of 131I, 60Co, and 133Ba in Indonesia


PTKMR-BATAN coordinated national comparison of 131I, 60Co and 133Ba.

Eleven laboratories took part in the comparison.

All measurements were done using gamma spectrometry methods.

For 131I and 133Ba, 3 laboratories have more than 10% difference from reference laboratory value.


National comparisons of radioactivity measurements of 131I and 60Co (in 2010) and of 133Ba (in 2011) were carried out within the framework of the National Radiation Metrology Laboratory Program of Indonesia, coordinated by PTKMR-BATAN. Eleven laboratories took part in the comparison, and all measurements were made using gamma spectrometry, on point sources with an activity between 2000 Bq and 6000 Bq. Several laboratories reported values which were more than 10% different from the reference value for 131I and 133Ba. Possible reasons for these differences are discussed. This program will be continued with other radionuclides to maintain and control quality assurance for the local laboratories.


Activity comparison
Gamma spectrometry