Published Online: 22 July 2010
AIP Conference Proceedings 1244, 204 (2010);
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  • Neutron Scattering Laboratory, Center for Technology of Nuclear Industrial Materials, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) Gedung 40, Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong, Tangerang 15314, Indonesia
The original main control system of the 36 meter small‐angle neutron scattering (SANS) BATAN Spectrometer (SMARTer) has been replaced with the new ones due to the malfunction of the main computer. For that reason, a new control system software for handling all the control systems was also developed in order to put the spectrometer back in operation. The developed software is able to control the system such as rotation movement of six pinholes system, vertical movement of four neutron guide system with the total length of 16.5 m, two‐directional movement of a neutron beam stopper, forward‐backward movement of a 2D position sensitive detector (2D‐PSD) along 16.7 m, etc. A Visual Basic language program running on Windows operating system was employed to develop the software and it can be operated by other remote computers in the local area network. All device positions and command menu are displayed graphically in the main monitor or window and each device control can be executed by clicking the control button. Those advantages are necessary required for developing a new user‐friendly control system software. Finally, the new software has been tested for handling a complete SANS experiment and it works properly.