Journal of Power and Energy Systems
Online ISSN : 1881-3062
Design Study of Small Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor Cores Using SiC Cladding and Structure
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 1 巻 2 号 p. 134-142


Neutronics of a reactor core with SiC cladding and structure was compared with that with steel cladding and structure analytically for small lead-cooled fast reactors. Uranium nitride fuel was used for this reactor. U235 enrichment was 11% in inner core and 13% in outer core for relatively flat neutron flux distributions and power density distribution. The core design was optimized using natural uranium blanket and nitride fuel for long life-core with reshuffling interval of 15 years. The analytical result indicated that neutron energy spectrum was slightly softer in the core with the SiC cladding and structure than that with steel cladding and structure. The SiC type reactor was designed to have criticality at the beginning of cycle (BOC), although the steel type reactor could not have criticality with the same size and geometry. In other words, the SiC type core can be designed smaller than the steel type core. The peak power densities could remain constant over the reactor operation. The consumption capability of uranium was quite high, i.e. 10% for 125 MWt reactor and 18.4% for 375 MWt reactor at the end of cycle (EOC).

© 2007 by The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
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