Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry

, Volume 303, Issue 2, pp 1607–1611 | Cite as

A modified method for synthesis of [γ-32P] labelled adenosine triphosphate

  • Wira Y. Rahman
  • Rohadi Awaludin
  • Endang Sarmini
  • Herlina
  • Triyanto
  • Rien Ritawidya
  • Abdul Mutalib
  • Santi Nurbaiti


Production of [γ-32P]-ATP using three glycolysis enzymatic reaction i.e. glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, 3-phosphoglyceric phosphokinase and lactate dehydrogenase has been conducted. dl-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, Adenosine Diphosphate and H 3 32 PO4 was used as precursors for this reaction. Purification of [γ-32P]-ATP was performed by using DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography. The result suggested that this simple method could be used for producing [γ-32P]-ATP to support the provision of radiolabeled nucleotide for biotechnology research in Indonesia.


Labeled nucleotide [γ-32P]-ATP Synthesis Enzymatic reaction DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography 



The author wish to thank to Dra. Siti Darwati, Drs. Hotman Lubis and to all those who have given advice, motivation and support both materially and spiritually, so the author can finish writing scientific papers.


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Copyright information

© Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary 2014

Authors and Affiliations

  • Wira Y. Rahman
    • 1
  • Rohadi Awaludin
    • 1
  • Endang Sarmini
    • 1
  • Herlina
    • 1
  • Triyanto
    • 1
  • Rien Ritawidya
    • 1
  • Abdul Mutalib
    • 1
  • Santi Nurbaiti
    • 2
  1. 1.Center for Radioisotope and Radiopharmaceuticals (PRR) - BATANSerpongIndonesia
  2. 2.Biochemistry Research Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesBandung Institute of TechnologyBandungIndonesia

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