Double Layer Collimator for BNCT Neutron Source Based on 30 MeV Cyclotron
double layer collimator, MCNPX, 30 MeV cyclotron, BNCT
A research of design of double layer collimator using 9Be(p,n) neutron source has been conducted. The research objective is to design a double layer collimator to obtain neutron sources that are compliant with the IAEA standards. The approach to the design of double layer collimator used the MCNPX code. From the research, it was found that the optimum dimensions of a beryllium target are 0.01 mm in length and 9.5 cm in radius. Collimator consists of a D2O and Al moderator, Pb and Ni as a reflector, and Cd and Fe as a thermal and fast neutron filter. The gamma filter used Bi and Pb. The quality neutron beams emitted from the double layer collimator is specified by five parameters: epithermal neutron flux 1 ×109 n/cm2s; fast neutron dose per epithermal neutron flux 5 ×1013 Gy cm2s; gamma dose per epithermal neutron flux 1×1013 Gy cm2s; ratio of the thermal neutron flux of epithermal neutron flux 0; and the ratio of epithermal neutron current to total epithermal neutron 0.54.Downloads
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International Atomic Energy Agency. (2011). Current Status of Neutron Capture Therapy. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency.
Mitsumoto, T., Fujita, K., Ogasawara, T., Tsutsui, H., Yajima, S., (2010). Bnct System Using 30 Mev H- Cyclotron Hm-30 Cyclotron, Proceedings of CYCLOTRONS 6–8. Lanzhou, China.
Musolino, V. S., McGinley HP, Greenwood CR, Kliauga P, and Fairchild GR, Evaluation of an Iron Filtered Epithermal Neutron Beam for Neutron Capture Therapy, Medical physics, 18: 806-818.
Pelowitz, D. B., (2008). RSICC Computer Code Collection MCNPX 2.6.0, New Mexico: Los Alamos National Library.
Ra, S., Jung, H. M., & Kim, R. K., (2011). Montecarlo Simulation on Proton-Induced Fast Neutron Source, Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meating Taebaek, Korea, pp.175-176
Rasouli, F. S., & Masoudi, S. F., (2012). Design and Optimization of a Beam Shaping Assembly for BNCT based on D – T Neutron Generator and Dose Evaluation Using a Simulated Head Phantom. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70(12): 2755–2762.
Sato, Y., Takizawa, F., Hiraga, Y., Kyanagi, (2014). Neutron Slowing down Efficiency Depending on Proton Energy for Accelerator based BNCT, Physics Procedia, No. 60: 15-22.
Sauerwein, W., (2012). Principle and Roots of Neutron Capture Theraphy, London, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Volev, K., Borella, A., Kopecky, S., Lampoudis, C., Massimi, C., Moens, A., Moxon, M., Schillebeeckx, P., Siegler, P., Sirakov, I., Trkov, T., Wynants, R., (2013). Evaluation of Resonance Parameters for Neutron Induced Reactions in Cadmium, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 300:11–29.
Takata, T., Tanaka, H., Sakurai, Y., Maruhasi, A., (2012). Increase in Irradiation Beam Intensity by Using a Hybrid Target System in Cyclotron-Based Neutron Capture Therapy, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, ISSN: 0022-3131, 1881-1248.
How to Cite
Bilalodin, B., Kusminarto, K., Hermanto, A., Sardjono, Y., & Sunardi, S. (2017). Double Layer Collimator for BNCT Neutron Source Based on 30 MeV Cyclotron. Indonesian Journal of Physics and Nuclear Applications, 2(3), 124-127.

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