BNCT, MCNPX, Skin Cancer, Melanoma
This research aims to determine the amount of radiation dose rate that can be accepted and the irradiation time that is required from Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) cancer therapy to treat melanoma skin cancer. This research used the simulation program, MCNPX by defining the geometric dimensions of the tissue component, and describing the radiation source that were used. The outputs obtained from the MCNPX simulation were the neutron flux and the neutron scattering dose that came out from the collimator. The value of neutron flux was used to calculate the dose which comes from the interaction between the neutron and the material in the cancer tissue. Based on the results of the research, the dose rate to treat cancer tissue for boron is 10 μg/g of tumor, which translates to about 0.019241 Gy/second and requires 25.98 minutes of irradiation time, 15 μg/g of tumor translates to 0.021854 Gy/second and requires 2.,87 minutes, 20 μg/g of tumor translates to 0.022902 Gy/second and requires 21,83 minutes, 25 μg/g of tumor translates to 0.0271275 Gy/second and requires 18.43 minutes, 30 μg/g of tumor translates to 0.0297658 Gy/second and requires 16.79 minutes, and 35 μg/g of tumor translates to 0.0343472 Gy/second and requires 14.55 minutes . The irradiation time needed for cancer tissue is shorter when boron concentration greater at the cancerous tissue.Downloads
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Wolfgang A.G. Sauerwein. (2012). Principle and Root of Neutron Capture Therapy. Jurnal Neutron Capture Therapy. Hlm. 1-16.
Wolfgang A.G. Sauerwein, Pierre M. Bet, dan Andrea Wittig. (2012). Drugs for BNCT: BSH and BPA. Jurnal Neutron Capture Therapy. Hlm. 117-140.
World Health Organization. (2014). Cancer Country Profiles 2014. World Health Organization. Jakarta, Indonesi
American Cancer Society. (2013). Cancer Facts & Figures 2013. Atlanta: American Cancer Society.
American Cancer Society. (2014). Cancer Facts & Figures 2014. Atlanta: American Cancer Society.
American Cancer Society. (2015). Cancer Facts & Figures 2015. Atlanta: American Cancer Society.
American Cancer Society. (2016). Cancer Facts & Figures 2016. Atlanta: American Cancer Society.
American Cancer Society. (2016). Melanoma Skin Cancer. Atlanta: American Cancer Society.
Amin Shokr, A. et al. (2001). Current Status of Neutron Capture Therapy, IAEA-TECDOC-1223. Vienna, Austria: International Atomic Energy Agency.
Attix, H. (1986). Introduction to Radiologycal Physics and Radiation Dosimetry. Madsion:University of Wilscosin Medical Schoo.
Australia Cancer Council. (2008). Melanoma-An Aide Memoire to Assist Diagnosis. Diakses dari http:// about-cancer/types-of-cancer/skin-cancer/melanoma.html pada tanggal 11 September 2014.
Azamris. (2011). Kanker Kulit di Bangsal Bedah RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang Januari 2002 – Maret 2007. CDK 183/Vol.38 no.2/Maret - April 2011. Hlm. 109-110.
Bapeten. (2015). Efek Radiasi pada Sistem Biologi. Diakses dari pada tanggal 7 Mei 2016.
Bapeten.(2015).Dosimetri.Diakses dari pada tanggal 7 Mei 2016.
Berlianti, Dwi. (2013). Analisis Dosis di Organ Kritis pada Terapi Glioblastoma dengan Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Menggunakan Metode Simulasi MCNP5. Skripsi: Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Gajah Mada.
Booth, T.E. et al. (2003). MCNP – A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 5, volume I: User’s Guide. New Mexico: Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Cember H, Johnson T. (2009). Health Physics. New York: The Mc Graw-Hill Compaines. New York: The Mc Graw-Hill Compaines.
Deng, Li. et al. (2011). The Dosimetry Calculation for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. Diagnostic Techniques and Surgical Management of Brain Tumors. Hlm. 173-198.
Denise B. Pelowitz (ed). (2008). MCNPXTM User’s Manual. Amerika: Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Flores, F. Fernanda. et al. (2012). Boron Uptake in Normal Melanocytes and Melanoma Cells and Boron Biodistrubution Study in Mice Bearing B16F10 Melanoma for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. Jurnal Radiat Environ Biophsy. 51. Hlm. 319-329.
Fauziah, Nina. (2013). A Conceptual Design of Neutron Collimator in Thermal Column of Kartini Research Reactor of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. Skripsi: Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Gajah Mada.
Hudi Hastowo dan Iyos R. Subki. (1999). Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT), Status Teknologi Saat ini dan Kemungkinan Penggunaanyya di Indonesia. Prosiding Pertemuan don Presentasi /lmiah P3TM-BATAN, Yogyakarta 14 -15 Juli 1999 Buku I. Hlm. 107-115.
IAEA. (2001). Current Status of Neutron Capture Therapy. Wina:IAEA.
Irhas. (2014). Dosimetri Boron Neutron Capture Therapy pada Kanker Hati (Hepatocellular Carcinoma) Menggunakan MCNP-Code dengan Sumber Neutron dari Kolom Termal Reaktor Kartini. Skripsi: Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Gajah Mada.
Harling, Otto K. dan Riley, Kent J. (2012). Fission Reactor-Based Irradiation Facillities for Neutron Capture Therapy-Malignant Melanoma. Neutron Capture Therapy. Hlm. 19-40.
Hendricks, John S. et al. (2008). MCNPX 2.6.0 EXTENSIONS: Los Alamos National Laboratory.
John W. Hopewell, et al. (2012). Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Application of Radiobiological Principles. Capture Therapy. Jurnal Neutron Capture Therapy. W.A.G. Sauerwein et al. (eds.). Hlm. 329-358.
Judith F. Briesmeister (ed). (2000). MCNPTM–A General Monte Carlo N–Particle Transport Code Version 4C. Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Junichi Hiratsuka dan Hiroshi Fukuda. (2012). Malignant Melanoma. Jurnal Neutron Capture Therapy. W.A.G. Sauerwein et al. (eds.). Hlm. 433-448.
Muslih, Ilma. (2015). Dasar-Dasar Pemrograman MCNPX. Yogyakarta:PSTA-BATAN.
Moeloek, Nila dan Lukiarti Rukmini. (2011). Indonesia Cancer Foundation. Jakarta: Yayasan Kanker Indonesia. Jakarta.
McConn et al. (2011). Compenidium of Material Composition Data for Radiation Transport Modeling. Washington: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Oemiati, Ratih. Rahajeng, Ekowati. dan Kristanto, Antonius Yudi. (2011). Prevalensi Tumor dan Beberapa Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya di Indonesia. Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan Vol. 39 No. 4. Hlm. 190-204.
PTAPB BATAN. (2013). Reaktor Kartini. Yogyakarta: BATAN Yogyakarta.
Rasito. (2013). Pengenalan MCNP untuk Pengkajian Dosis. Pusat Pendidikan dan dan Pelatihan BATAN.
Savitskaya, E.N. dan Sannikov, A.V. (1995). High Energy Neutron and Proton Kerma Factors for Different Element. Radiant Protection Dosimetry Vol. 60 No. 2. Hlm. 135-146.
Setiyadi, A. (2015). Dosis Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) pada Kanker Kulit (Melanoma Maligna) Menggunakan MCNPX-Code dengan Sumber Neutron dari Beamport Tembus Reaktor Kartini. Skripsi.Yogyakarta: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Shultis, J.K. and Faw, R.E. (2011). An MCNP Primer. Manhattan: Kansas State University.
Wahyuningsih, D. (2014). Optimasi Desain Kolimator untuk Uji In Vivo Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) pada Beamport Tembus Reaktor Kartini Menggunkan Simulasi Monte Carlo N Particle 5 (MCNP5). Tesis. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajah Mada.
Wang, Yu. et al. (2013). New type of neutron image scintillator based on H3 10BO3/ZnS(Ag). Physics Procedia Vol. 43. Hlm. 216-222.
Wiyatmo, Yusman. (2009). Fisika Nulkir Dalam Telaah Semi-klasik dan Kuantum. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Yoyakarta.
Wiryosimin, S. (1996). Mengenal Asas Proteksi Radiasi. Bandung: ITB. Bandung.
Wolfgang A.G. Sauerwein. (2012). Principle and Root of Neutron Capture Therapy. Jurnal Neutron Capture Therapy. Hlm. 1-16.
Wolfgang A.G. Sauerwein, Pierre M. Bet, dan Andrea Wittig. (2012). Drugs for BNCT: BSH and BPA. Jurnal Neutron Capture Therapy. Hlm. 117-140.
World Health Organization. (2014). Cancer Country Profiles 2014. World Health Organization. Jakarta, Indonesi
How to Cite
Rosidah, S., Sardjono, Y., & Sumardi, Y. (2017). DOSE ANALYZE OF BORON NEUTRON CAPTURE THERAPY (BNCT) AT SKIN CANCER MELANOMA USING MCNPX WITH NEUTRON SOURCE FROM THERMAL COLUMN OF KARTINI REACTOR. Indonesian Journal of Physics and Nuclear Applications, 2(3), 111-123.

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