Clinical trial design of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy on breast cancer using D-D coaxial compact neutron generator as neutron source and Monte Carlo N-Particle simulation method
BNCT, MCNPX, CNG, breast cancer radiation, Collimator, radiation dose
A clinical trial simulation of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) for breast cancer was conducted at National Nuclear Energy Agency Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This was motivated by high rate of breast cancer in the world, especially in Indonesia. BNCT is a type of therapy by nuclear reaction 10B(n,α)7Li that produces kinetic energy totaling 2.79 MeV. High Linear Energy Transfer (LET) radiation of α-particle and recoil 7Li would locally deposit their energy in a range of 5-9 μm, which corresponds to the human cell diameter. Fast neutron coming out of Compact Neutron Generator (CNG) was moderated using Fe and MgF2 material. A collimator, along with breast cancer and the corresponding organ at risk were designed compatible to Monte Carlo N-Particle X (MCNPX). The radiation were simulated by the MCNPX software and the physical quantities were counted by tally MCNPX codes. The highest neutron thermal flux was found at a depth of 1.4 cm on fat tissue. En face and upward intersection radiation techniques were adopted for the breast cancer radiation. The average dose rate of radiation used on breast cancer was 1.72×10-5 Gy/s for the en face method and 8.98×10-6 Gy/s for the upward intersection method. Dose 50±3 Gy was given into cancer cell, (4.18±0.06) ×10-2 Gy into heart and (8.16±0.06) ×10-2Gy into lung for 806.34 hours irradiation.Downloads
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Aihara, T., Morita, N., Kamitani, N., Kumada, H., Ono, K., Hiratsuka, J., Harada, T., 2014, BNCT for advanced or recurrent head and neck cancer, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 12-15.
Aiyama, H., Nakaia, K., Yamamoto, T., Nariai, T., Kumada, H., Ishikawa, E., Isobe, T., Endo, T., Takada, T., Yoshida, F., Shibata, Y., Matsumura, A., 2011, A Clinical Trial Protocol For Second Line Treatment Of Malignant Brain Tumors With BNCT At University Of Tsukuba, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 69 (2011) 1819-1822.
Alanyah, S.D., Ceylan, N., Haydaroglu, A., 2013, Principles and Practice of Modern Radiotherapy Techniques in Breast Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5116-7_12, Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013.
Andoh, T., Fujimoto, T., Sudo, T., Suzuki, MM., Sakurai, Y., Sakuma, T., Moritake, H., Sugimoto, T., Takeuchi, T., Sonobe, H., Epstein, A.L., Fukumori, Y., Ono, K., Ichikawa, H., 2014, Boron neutron capture therapy, as a new treatment for clear cell sarcoma: Trial on different animal model, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 59-63.
Anonim A., 2014, Understanding Breast Cancer, Cancer Council Australia 2014.
Anonim B., 2014, Indonesia, World Health Organization.
Anonim C., 2001, Current Status of Neutron Capture Therapy. A technical document, IAEA-TECDOC-1223, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.
Anonim D., 2008, MCNPX USER’S MANUAL Version 2.6.0, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Anonim E., 1994, Criticality Calculations with MCNPTM: A Primer, A technical document, LA-12827, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico.
Anonim F., 2003, MCNP—A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 5, Volume I: Overview and Theory. A Technical Document, LA-UR-03-1987, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico.
Anonim G., 2012, Neutron generator for analytical purposes, IAEA Radiation Technology Reports Series No. 1, Vienna.
Anonim H., 2013, Latest world cancer statistic, Global burden rises to 14.1 million new cases in 2012: Marked increase in breast cancer must be addressed, World Health Organization.
Barth, R.F., Coderre, J.A., Vicente, M.G., Blue, T.E., 2005, Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Of Cancer: Current Status And Future Prospects, Clinical Cancer Research, 11:3987-4002.
Capoulat, M.E., Minsky, D.M., Kreiner, A.J., 2014, Computational assessment of deep-seated tumor treatment capability of the 9Be(d,n)10B reaction for accelerator-based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (AB-BNCT), PhysicaMedica30 (2014) 133-146.
Fantidis, J.G., Dimitrios, B.V., Constantinos, P., Nick, V., 2012, Fast and Thermal Neutron Radiographies Based On A Compact Neutron Generator, Theoretical and Applied Physics 2012.
Fantidis, J.G., Saitioti, E., Bandekas, D.V., Vordos, N., 2013, Optimised BNCT facility based on a compact D-D neutron generator, International Journal of Radiation Research, Volume 11, No 4.
Farghihi, F., 2012, Monte-Carlo Simulation for Beam Shaping Assembly of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Istanbul, Turkey, July 3 – 6, 2012.
Horiguchi, H., Nakamura, T., Kumada, H., Yanagie, H., Suzuki, M., Sagawa, H., 2011, Investigation of irradiation conditions for recurrent breast cancer in JRR-4, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 69 (2011) 1882–1884.
Jenkins, P.A., 2012, Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Her2+ Breast Cancers: A Feasibility Study Evaluating BNCT for Potential Role in Breast Conservation Therapies, A Dissertation, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Utah, Utah.
Kageji, T., Mizobuchi, Y., Nagahiro, S., Kumada, H., 2011, Clinical result of boron capture therapy (BNCT) for glioblastoma, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 69 (2011) 1823-1825.
Kageji, T., Mizobuchi, Y., Nagahiro, S., Nakagawa, Y., Kumada, H., 2014, Correlation between radiation dose and histopathological findings in patients with glioblastoma treated with boron neutron capture theraphy (BNCT), Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 20-22.
Kasesaz, Y., Khalafi, H., Rahmani, F., 2013, Optimization of beam shaping assembly in the D-D neutron generator-based BNCT using the response matrix method, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 82 (2013) 55-59.
Krstic, D., Markovic, V.M., Jovanovic, Z., Milenkovic, B., Nikezic, D., Atanackovic, J., 2014, Monte Carlo Calculations of Lung Dose in ORNL Phantom for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2014), Vol. 161, No. 1-4, pp. 269-273.
Leung, K., 2012, Compact Neutron Generator for BNCT, Neutron Capture Therapy, Springer, Berlin.
Loong, C.-K., Sollychin, R., Wong, R.K., Bardley, K., Piestrup, M.A., Liang, T., 2014, The Pros and Cons of Preliminary R&D of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Based on Compact Neutron Generators: A Plan of Collaboration, Physics Procedia60 (2014) 264-270.
Lou, T.P., 2003, Compact D-D/D-T Neutron Generators and Their Applications, A Dissertation, Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley.
Manohara, S.R., Hanagodimath, S.M., Gerward, L., 2011, Energy absorption buildup factors of human organs and tissues at energies and penetration depths relevant for radiotherapy and diagnostics, Applied of Clinical Medical Physics, Vol 12, No4 (2011).
Miller, A., 2012, Californium-252 as Neutron Source for BNCT, Neutron Capture Therapy, Springer, Berlin.
Moss, R.L., 2014, Critical review, with an optimistic outlook, on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT), Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 2-11.
Nakamura, H., Kirihata, M., 2012, Boron Compound: New Candidates for Boron Carriers in BNCT, NeutronCaptureTherapy, Springer, Berlin.
Rahmani, F., Shahriari, M., 2011, Beam shaping assembly optimization of Linac based BNCT and in-phantom depth dose distribution analysis of brain tumors for verification of a beam model, Annals of Nuclear Energy 38 (2011) 404-409.
Rasouli, F.S., Masoudi, S.F., 2012a, Design and optimization of a beam shaping assembly for BNCT based on D-T neutron generator and dose evaluation using a simulated head phantom, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70(2012) 2755-2762.
Rasouli, F.S., Masoudi, S.F., 2012b, Simulation of the BNCT of Brain Tumors Using MCNP Code: Beam designing and Dose Evaluation, Iranian Journal of Medical Physics,Vol. 9, No. 3, Summer 2012, 183-192.
Rinard, P.M., 1991, Neutron Interaction with Matter, Passive Nondestructive Assay of Nuclear Materials, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Washington.
Sankaranarayanan, R., Ramadas, K., Qiao, Y., 2014, Managing the changing burden of cancer in Asia, BMC Medicine 2014, 12:3.
Sauerwein, W.A.G., 2012, Principle and Roots of Neutron Capture Therapy, Neutron Capture Therapy, Springer, Berlin.
Savolainen, S., Kortesniemi, M., Timonen, M., Reijonen, V., Kuusela, L., Simola, J.U., Salli, E., Koivunoro, H., Seppala, T., Lonnroth, N., Valimaki, P., Hyvonen, H., Kotiluoto, P., Seren, T., Kuronen, A., Heikkinen, S., Kosunen, A., Auterinen, I., 2013, Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) in Finland: Technological and physical prospects after 20 years of experiences, PhysicaMedica(2013) 29, 233-248.
Shaaban, I., Albarhoum, M., 2015, Design calculation of an epithermal neutronic beam for BNCT at the Syrian MNSR using the MCNP4 code, Progress in Nuclear energy 78 (2015) 297-302.
Siegel, R., Ma, J., Zou, Z., Jemal, A., 2014, Cancer Statistic 2014, CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2014;64:9-29, American Cancer Society, Atlanta.
Takada, K., Kumada, H., Isobe, T., Terunuma, T., Kamizawa, S., Sakurai, H., sakae, T., Matsumura, A., 2014, Whole-body dose evaluation with an adaptive treatment planning system for boron neutron capture therapy, Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2014), pp. 1-7.
Torabi, F., Masoudi, S.f., Rahmani, F., Rasouli, F.s., BSA optimization and dosimetric assessment for an electron linac based BNCT of deep-seated brain tumors, RadionalNuclChem(2014) 300:1167-1174.
Tsoulfanidis, N., 1995, Measurement and Detection of Radiation, Taylor & Francis, Washington.
Videira, M., Reis, R.L., Brito, M.A., 2014, Deconstructing breast cancer cell biology and mechanisms of multidrug resistance, BiochimicaetBiophysicaActa1846 (2014) 312-325.
Wang, L.W., Chen, Y.W., Ho, C.Y., Liu, Y.W.H., Chou, F.I., Liu, Y.H., Liu, H.M., Peir, J.J., Jiang, S.H., Chang, C.W., Liu, C.S., Wang, S.J., Chu, P.Y., Yen, S.H., 2014, Fractionated BNCT for locally recurrent head and neck cancer: Experience from a phase I/II clinical trial at Tsing Hua Open-Pool Reactor, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 23-27.
Willner, M., Herzen, J., Grandl, S., Auweter, S., Mayr, D., Hipp, A., Chabior, M., Sarapata, A., Achterhold, K., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Sztrokay, A., Hellerhoff, K., Reiser, M., Pfeiffer, F., 2014, Quantitative breast tissue characterization using grating-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging, Physics in Medical and Biology 59(2014)1557-1571.
Witig, A., Moss, R.L., Sauerwein, W.A.G., 2014, Glioblastoma, brain metastases and soft tissue sarcoma of extremities: Candidate tumors for BNCT, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 46-49.
Wu, Ying, 2009, Development Neutron Generator to be Used for Associated Particle Imaging Utilizing RF-Driven Ion Source, A Dissertation, Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley.
Yanagie, H., 2012, Application of Neutron Capture Therapy for Locally Recurrent Breast Cancer, Neutron Capture Therapy, Springer, Berlin.
Yanagie, H., Kumada, H., Sakurai, Y., Nukumura, T., Furuya, Y., Sugiyama, H., Ono, K., Takamoto, S., Eriguchi, M., Takahashi, H., 2009, Dosimetric Evaluation of Capture Therapy for Local Advance Breast Cancer, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67 (2009) S63-S66.
Youlden, D.R., Cramb, S.M., Yip, C.H., Baade, P.D., 2014, Incidence and mortality of female breast cancer in the Asia-Pasific region, Cancer Biol Med 2014;11:101-115.
Aiyama, H., Nakaia, K., Yamamoto, T., Nariai, T., Kumada, H., Ishikawa, E., Isobe, T., Endo, T., Takada, T., Yoshida, F., Shibata, Y., Matsumura, A., 2011, A Clinical Trial Protocol For Second Line Treatment Of Malignant Brain Tumors With BNCT At University Of Tsukuba, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 69 (2011) 1819-1822.
Alanyah, S.D., Ceylan, N., Haydaroglu, A., 2013, Principles and Practice of Modern Radiotherapy Techniques in Breast Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5116-7_12, Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013.
Andoh, T., Fujimoto, T., Sudo, T., Suzuki, MM., Sakurai, Y., Sakuma, T., Moritake, H., Sugimoto, T., Takeuchi, T., Sonobe, H., Epstein, A.L., Fukumori, Y., Ono, K., Ichikawa, H., 2014, Boron neutron capture therapy, as a new treatment for clear cell sarcoma: Trial on different animal model, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 59-63.
Anonim A., 2014, Understanding Breast Cancer, Cancer Council Australia 2014.
Anonim B., 2014, Indonesia, World Health Organization.
Anonim C., 2001, Current Status of Neutron Capture Therapy. A technical document, IAEA-TECDOC-1223, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.
Anonim D., 2008, MCNPX USER’S MANUAL Version 2.6.0, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Anonim E., 1994, Criticality Calculations with MCNPTM: A Primer, A technical document, LA-12827, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico.
Anonim F., 2003, MCNP—A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 5, Volume I: Overview and Theory. A Technical Document, LA-UR-03-1987, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico.
Anonim G., 2012, Neutron generator for analytical purposes, IAEA Radiation Technology Reports Series No. 1, Vienna.
Anonim H., 2013, Latest world cancer statistic, Global burden rises to 14.1 million new cases in 2012: Marked increase in breast cancer must be addressed, World Health Organization.
Barth, R.F., Coderre, J.A., Vicente, M.G., Blue, T.E., 2005, Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Of Cancer: Current Status And Future Prospects, Clinical Cancer Research, 11:3987-4002.
Capoulat, M.E., Minsky, D.M., Kreiner, A.J., 2014, Computational assessment of deep-seated tumor treatment capability of the 9Be(d,n)10B reaction for accelerator-based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (AB-BNCT), PhysicaMedica30 (2014) 133-146.
Fantidis, J.G., Dimitrios, B.V., Constantinos, P., Nick, V., 2012, Fast and Thermal Neutron Radiographies Based On A Compact Neutron Generator, Theoretical and Applied Physics 2012.
Fantidis, J.G., Saitioti, E., Bandekas, D.V., Vordos, N., 2013, Optimised BNCT facility based on a compact D-D neutron generator, International Journal of Radiation Research, Volume 11, No 4.
Farghihi, F., 2012, Monte-Carlo Simulation for Beam Shaping Assembly of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Istanbul, Turkey, July 3 – 6, 2012.
Horiguchi, H., Nakamura, T., Kumada, H., Yanagie, H., Suzuki, M., Sagawa, H., 2011, Investigation of irradiation conditions for recurrent breast cancer in JRR-4, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 69 (2011) 1882–1884.
Jenkins, P.A., 2012, Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Her2+ Breast Cancers: A Feasibility Study Evaluating BNCT for Potential Role in Breast Conservation Therapies, A Dissertation, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Utah, Utah.
Kageji, T., Mizobuchi, Y., Nagahiro, S., Kumada, H., 2011, Clinical result of boron capture therapy (BNCT) for glioblastoma, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 69 (2011) 1823-1825.
Kageji, T., Mizobuchi, Y., Nagahiro, S., Nakagawa, Y., Kumada, H., 2014, Correlation between radiation dose and histopathological findings in patients with glioblastoma treated with boron neutron capture theraphy (BNCT), Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 20-22.
Kasesaz, Y., Khalafi, H., Rahmani, F., 2013, Optimization of beam shaping assembly in the D-D neutron generator-based BNCT using the response matrix method, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 82 (2013) 55-59.
Krstic, D., Markovic, V.M., Jovanovic, Z., Milenkovic, B., Nikezic, D., Atanackovic, J., 2014, Monte Carlo Calculations of Lung Dose in ORNL Phantom for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2014), Vol. 161, No. 1-4, pp. 269-273.
Leung, K., 2012, Compact Neutron Generator for BNCT, Neutron Capture Therapy, Springer, Berlin.
Loong, C.-K., Sollychin, R., Wong, R.K., Bardley, K., Piestrup, M.A., Liang, T., 2014, The Pros and Cons of Preliminary R&D of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Based on Compact Neutron Generators: A Plan of Collaboration, Physics Procedia60 (2014) 264-270.
Lou, T.P., 2003, Compact D-D/D-T Neutron Generators and Their Applications, A Dissertation, Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley.
Manohara, S.R., Hanagodimath, S.M., Gerward, L., 2011, Energy absorption buildup factors of human organs and tissues at energies and penetration depths relevant for radiotherapy and diagnostics, Applied of Clinical Medical Physics, Vol 12, No4 (2011).
Miller, A., 2012, Californium-252 as Neutron Source for BNCT, Neutron Capture Therapy, Springer, Berlin.
Moss, R.L., 2014, Critical review, with an optimistic outlook, on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT), Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 2-11.
Nakamura, H., Kirihata, M., 2012, Boron Compound: New Candidates for Boron Carriers in BNCT, NeutronCaptureTherapy, Springer, Berlin.
Rahmani, F., Shahriari, M., 2011, Beam shaping assembly optimization of Linac based BNCT and in-phantom depth dose distribution analysis of brain tumors for verification of a beam model, Annals of Nuclear Energy 38 (2011) 404-409.
Rasouli, F.S., Masoudi, S.F., 2012a, Design and optimization of a beam shaping assembly for BNCT based on D-T neutron generator and dose evaluation using a simulated head phantom, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70(2012) 2755-2762.
Rasouli, F.S., Masoudi, S.F., 2012b, Simulation of the BNCT of Brain Tumors Using MCNP Code: Beam designing and Dose Evaluation, Iranian Journal of Medical Physics,Vol. 9, No. 3, Summer 2012, 183-192.
Rinard, P.M., 1991, Neutron Interaction with Matter, Passive Nondestructive Assay of Nuclear Materials, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Washington.
Sankaranarayanan, R., Ramadas, K., Qiao, Y., 2014, Managing the changing burden of cancer in Asia, BMC Medicine 2014, 12:3.
Sauerwein, W.A.G., 2012, Principle and Roots of Neutron Capture Therapy, Neutron Capture Therapy, Springer, Berlin.
Savolainen, S., Kortesniemi, M., Timonen, M., Reijonen, V., Kuusela, L., Simola, J.U., Salli, E., Koivunoro, H., Seppala, T., Lonnroth, N., Valimaki, P., Hyvonen, H., Kotiluoto, P., Seren, T., Kuronen, A., Heikkinen, S., Kosunen, A., Auterinen, I., 2013, Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) in Finland: Technological and physical prospects after 20 years of experiences, PhysicaMedica(2013) 29, 233-248.
Shaaban, I., Albarhoum, M., 2015, Design calculation of an epithermal neutronic beam for BNCT at the Syrian MNSR using the MCNP4 code, Progress in Nuclear energy 78 (2015) 297-302.
Siegel, R., Ma, J., Zou, Z., Jemal, A., 2014, Cancer Statistic 2014, CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2014;64:9-29, American Cancer Society, Atlanta.
Takada, K., Kumada, H., Isobe, T., Terunuma, T., Kamizawa, S., Sakurai, H., sakae, T., Matsumura, A., 2014, Whole-body dose evaluation with an adaptive treatment planning system for boron neutron capture therapy, Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2014), pp. 1-7.
Torabi, F., Masoudi, S.f., Rahmani, F., Rasouli, F.s., BSA optimization and dosimetric assessment for an electron linac based BNCT of deep-seated brain tumors, RadionalNuclChem(2014) 300:1167-1174.
Tsoulfanidis, N., 1995, Measurement and Detection of Radiation, Taylor & Francis, Washington.
Videira, M., Reis, R.L., Brito, M.A., 2014, Deconstructing breast cancer cell biology and mechanisms of multidrug resistance, BiochimicaetBiophysicaActa1846 (2014) 312-325.
Wang, L.W., Chen, Y.W., Ho, C.Y., Liu, Y.W.H., Chou, F.I., Liu, Y.H., Liu, H.M., Peir, J.J., Jiang, S.H., Chang, C.W., Liu, C.S., Wang, S.J., Chu, P.Y., Yen, S.H., 2014, Fractionated BNCT for locally recurrent head and neck cancer: Experience from a phase I/II clinical trial at Tsing Hua Open-Pool Reactor, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 23-27.
Willner, M., Herzen, J., Grandl, S., Auweter, S., Mayr, D., Hipp, A., Chabior, M., Sarapata, A., Achterhold, K., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Sztrokay, A., Hellerhoff, K., Reiser, M., Pfeiffer, F., 2014, Quantitative breast tissue characterization using grating-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging, Physics in Medical and Biology 59(2014)1557-1571.
Witig, A., Moss, R.L., Sauerwein, W.A.G., 2014, Glioblastoma, brain metastases and soft tissue sarcoma of extremities: Candidate tumors for BNCT, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 46-49.
Wu, Ying, 2009, Development Neutron Generator to be Used for Associated Particle Imaging Utilizing RF-Driven Ion Source, A Dissertation, Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley.
Yanagie, H., 2012, Application of Neutron Capture Therapy for Locally Recurrent Breast Cancer, Neutron Capture Therapy, Springer, Berlin.
Yanagie, H., Kumada, H., Sakurai, Y., Nukumura, T., Furuya, Y., Sugiyama, H., Ono, K., Takamoto, S., Eriguchi, M., Takahashi, H., 2009, Dosimetric Evaluation of Capture Therapy for Local Advance Breast Cancer, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67 (2009) S63-S66.
Youlden, D.R., Cramb, S.M., Yip, C.H., Baade, P.D., 2014, Incidence and mortality of female breast cancer in the Asia-Pasific region, Cancer Biol Med 2014;11:101-115.
How to Cite
Pasaribu, R., Kusminarto, K., & Sardjono, Y. (2016). Clinical trial design of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy on breast cancer using D-D coaxial compact neutron generator as neutron source and Monte Carlo N-Particle simulation method. Indonesian Journal of Physics and Nuclear Applications, 1(1), 34-43.

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