• nfn Anggraeni Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keywords: Austronesia, tato tradisional, tato modem, nilai sosial, tradisi, seni, motif


The meaning and social value of tattoo changes through time, and diminishes as it no longer becomes part of cultural tradition. Traditionally, tattoos have been associated with social rank, life cycle transitions (childhood into adulthood), ethnicity markers, and possession of certain skills. In contrast to tribal tattoos, modem tattoos have come to be associated with individuals or groups who have no claim to a tradition of tattooing, thereby narrowing its value to individuals merit or mere body adornments. In addition, modem tattoos tend to be discredited and
have never considered a community tradition. This article discusses the discredition of tattoo in a modem society culture that seems to have a different meaning with the traditional culture.


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How to Cite
Anggraeni, nfn. (1). PERGESERAN NILAI PANDANG TERHADAP ORANG BERTATO. Naditira Widya, 3(1), 100-108.